Careers Bulletin 090916

confused-characterLots of Work Experience opportunities, open days and interesting information for students interested in law. This weeks spotlight focuses on working in “Lighting”.  To find out more please click here

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University of Oxford are Recruiting Year 12s!








University of Oxford will be recruiting Year 12 students from Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Milton Keynes, Swindon and Berkshire to start the Pathways to Law Programme in November 2016. Pathways to Law was set up in 2006 by the Sutton Trust and the College of Law (now the Legal Education Foundation) to widen access to the legal profession. Pathways to Law delivers a full and varied programme of lectures, seminars, advice and guidance sessions, skills-development workshops and interaction with undergraduate students and professionals through e-mentoring and a legal work placement.

We are looking to recruit 35 students who have just started in Year 12. The programme runs from the autumn term of Year 12 and will continue until the group complete Year 13. The participants do not have to be set on applying to study law at university, and they do not need to be planning to apply to Oxford University. Pathways to Law is entirely free to students, and includes a travel bursary.

The programme, organised and run by Oxford University’s Law Faculty includes:

· An introductory event for students and their parents/carers

· Work experience in the legal sector at leading law firms, regional firms and non-profit organisations such as legal advice centres

· A range of sessions over two years covering a diverse range of topics including choosing and applying to a university, CV and interview techniques, subject-specific revision sessions and workshops on different areas of the law

· E-mentoring from current undergraduate law students

· A trip to the Inner Temple and Royal Courts of Justice in London

· Visits to other Pathways to Law universities

· A residential conference next summer to give students a taste of life at university and to take part in a range of workshops, debates and lectures.


In order to target this programme successfully, we would be grateful if you could promote it to students based on the following selection criteria:

1. Applicants should have achieved at least 5 A grades at GCSE

2. And meet one or more of the following criteria:

a. Have spent over 13 weeks in care at any point in their life

b. Have substantial responsibilities as a young carer

c. Live in a neighbourhood where a low proportion of young people go to university (for this we use POLAR3 data and are prioritising those applicants living in quintiles 1 or 2)

d. At any time while at secondary school, have been eligible for Free School Meals or is eligible the 16-19 Bursary

e. Applicants whose parents or guardians do not have a higher education level qualification


In the case of over-subscription, preference will be given to students who meet the following additional criteria:

· In schools with below average levels of attainment / progression to university

· In schools with high free school meal rates



Applications are open now and close at 12 noon on 26 September.  Please direct any interested students to the application portal – For information please contact me on 01865 280126 or


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Year 13 Applying for Oxbridge/Medicine?



Posted in Announcements, Careers, Medicine, Oxbridge, Russell Group, University, Year 13 | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Interested in Law or the Courts?

Reading Crown Courts are having an open day this Saturday.  You will be able to see a mock trial, visit the cells and see much more.  If your interested in pursuing a career in law or a law related subject then this might be worth a visit.

More information can be found here.

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Welcome Back

summersunWelcome back!

Year 13s are in today and should be with mentors from 8.50.  Lessons 1 and 2 are for admin and timetable issues.  Normal lessons 3 and 4.  You then register at 2.05.  Assembly in main hall at 2.25.  It won’t last an hour but there will be no period 5.

Year 12 are in for assembly at 1.30 and will then see their tutors at 2.05.  They can go home then.

Year 13s – there will be issues to sort out with timetables.  Please do admin stuff with mentors before you come down to try and sort.  If it is just handing in your form, then there’s no problem – just don’t go to the lesson you’ve dropped.

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Film, Theatre, Media, Broadcasting , TV ……….News for creative students!


confused-characterFuture creative sector apprentice or trainee? Read this!

A host of creative sector employers and supportive organisations, including Framestore, Channel4,  the Ambassador Theatre Group and the Royal Opera House, are taking part in this year’s Find Your Future, a FREE event for would-be apprentices and trainees.


Join us on Wednesday 10 August in London to discover more about new entrant routes into film, TV, broadcasting, digital media, theatre and live events.  Visit the Market Place and join our panel discussions to learn more about careers in the creative sector. For more on the line-up, including booking, visit: Feel free to share the good news with friends and colleagues too. Book early to avoid disappointment.


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Transition Work







Please remember to do your transition work  which can be found below.




Posted in Announcements, Applied Science, Art, Business, Chemistry, Computing, Drama, Economics, Eng lang, Eng Lit, FIlm Club, Geography, Health and Social Care, History, ICT, Maths, Media and Film Studies, Music, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Subjects, year twelve | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Results Day – Help & Advice

confused-characterHelp and advice is available if for some reasons the results are not quite what you expected.

Please have a look at:

2016 School Holiday Advice and Support


ALevel & GCSE Results Events


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Careers Bulletin 19 July 2016

This week the spotlight falls on being a songwriter.

Thorpe park are recruiting for actors for Fright Night during the October half term and we have lots of local vacancies in the construction industry.  Please click here


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Hardy Trip 2016

WP_20160709_10_19_17_ProA thoroughly good time was had by all on this, the 10th anniversary of the legendary Thomas Hardy Field Trip.  It was a poignant occasion too as it was JMR’s farewell tour.  It may be the last trip too, but never say never…

WP_20160710_10_57_51_ProI look and see it there, shrinking, shrinking

I look back at it amid the rain

For the very last time; for my sand is sinking,

And I shall traverse old love’s domain

Never Again.”

(At Castle Boterel)

Posted in Eng Lit, Uncategorized, year twelve | Leave a comment