This week’s Question Time

Question_time_logo2This week’s edition of Question Time can be found here.

Mr Kydd.

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Fight Club

Fight_Club_posterOn Wednesday 24th next week in S3, at 1.45, we will be holdiong the first debate of the term.  The motion is “This house believes that in some jobs, workers should not be allowed to go on strike.”  All welcome.  Good to do if you are thinking of law, PR, or a subject where constructing convincing arguments is required.

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Maths materials from Mr Trim

mathsPlease click here for the PDF file of my book “Mechanics text for M1 (Edexcel)”

Mr Trim.

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Powerpoint from last week’s assembly

Exclaimation mark - YellowPlease find the power point presentation from last week’s assembly on target setting here.

Ms Vignali.

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Local Careers Fair

confused-characterWednesday 16th October 4pm- 8pm

There is a Careers Fair in Wokingham at ;

Lodden Valley Leisure Centre,  Lower Earley RG6 4GD

This fair is open to the public from 4pm – 8pm is completely free and have lots of local employers ,training companies and colleges represented.


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Year Twelve Briefing notes – the week beginning Monday 14th October


First of all, it was most heartening to see so many of you interested in the Malala story that I posted last week. If you have missed it, the newspaper links are still live on last week’s post. You might also like to click here for the Panorama programme.

There is no formal assembly this week, but you should be mindful that there are only two weeks until half term. This means that you should reflect on where you are as a Sixth Form student. The following list might help.

  • Do you feel in control of your studies ? If not, then what are you doing about this ? The logical first step is to arrange to meet with your teacher / mentor with specific concerns. TAKE CONTROL.
  • Do you have organised and complete notes (eg – have you been ill ?)? If this is an issue it needs sorting out. Make sure that you have all the materials that you need before half term, and clear a morning to get on top of this.
  • Have you got your mentor time and community service sorted out ? I will post about the former next week, but this is your responsibility.

Finally, I continue to hear very positive things from staff about the start that you have made. Well done, and keep going.

Mr Kydd.

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Question Time

Question_time_logo2This week’s edition of Question Time can be found here.

Mr Kydd.

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Studying Abroad

confused-characterI have just received “The Guide 2014” which is a magasine which tells you all you need to know about applying to university in Australia and New Zealand.  If anyone would like to borrow it you are very welcome.

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Careers Bulletin 111013

confused-characterAll the latest Careers news and spotlight on University of Spa click here.

For the latest information on apprenticeship vacancies in Reading please click here

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Internet News.

Music_is_my_Life_www_FullHDWpp_com_There is going to be a big overhaul of the internet at half term involving complicated things that I don’t understand which involves a ‘switch’ thing being put in.  This should make things better…

In the meantime, in order to make your internet experience more pleasurable, always log on to Openhive as the first thing you do.  If you have not got, or have forgotten your password, please go and see Zac in the IT bunker to get one.

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