Year Twelve briefing notes for the week beginning Monday 4th November

number12Welcome back,

I hope that you had a restful half term. A few things for the week ahead please.

1. We have a joint formal assembly with the Upper Sixth on Tuesday in the Main Hall at 1.20. Please be prompt as there is a lot to get through.

2. Remember that the mentoring system starts properly now. You no longer have the Monday and Thursday afternoon sessions, and you should have a weekly time and venue agreed with your mentor. If you have slipped through the net please see you mentor as a matter of urgency. Remember that it is your responsibility to be there on time.

3. Sincere  thanks to the people who have agreed to sell poppies. It is appreciated. If you still wish to get involved with this, then please come and see me.

4. Above all, please note that this is a really busy half term, and what we are asking of you will be increasing. The key remains the quantity and quality of your independent study. Your mocks will be coming round very quickly indeed. You must be doing three to four hours a day outside the classroom. There are no shortcuts.

Have a good half term and work hard please.

Mr Kydd.

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This week’s editions of Question Time and Any Questions ?

Question_time_logo2This week’s edition of Question Time can be found here. You may also like to listen to BBC Radio 4’s Any Questions ?  programme. The format is similar to Question Time, and in its own words the weekly show is “a topical discussion in which a panel of personalities from the worlds of politics, media and elsewhere are posed questions by the audience.” The latest edition can be found here.

Mr Kydd.

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Russell Brand on Newsnight

russell-brand-russell-brand-opens-a-shop_3916103Manic actor and comedian Russell Brand talks to Jeremy Paxman about the coming revolution in Newsnight.  Well worth a watch as Brand talks about the problem with politics and comes out with facts like “300 Americans between them have as much wealth as the bottom 85 million of America’s poorest”  He gets quite cross, and why wouldn’t he.  Paxo looks bemused.  And why wouldn’t he.

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UCAS: statement tips from Which? University

ucas-logoFollow this link to Which? University guide for more tips on statements and interviews.  There are also specific subject tips like this English one.  Check on other pages for different subjects.

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Year Twelve – A thank you and a request please

poppy-appealFirst of all a huge thank you and well done to all who involved in setting up the Year Seven disco on Friday. It was very well attended and organised. I hope you raised plenty for Cambodia.

As the icon to the left reflects, it is the Year Twelves who will be selling poppies in November. This year Mrs Rayner is doing the lower school assemblies, so if you are interested in helping out please see me.

Mr Kydd.

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Year 13 w/b 21.10

number-13Remember we have Inset day on Friday and school starts on Tuesday 5th November after half term.

Quite a few people have already sent off their UCAS applications.  You should aim to meet the 5th November deadline so your application can go off before the end of the month and before Christmas at the latest.  Make sure you discuss your reference with your mentor and that they have seen your personal statement.

Debate this week in S3 at 1.45.  Motion is on the ‘right to strike’.

Use half term wisely to organise your term’s notes and get on top of coursework deadlines.

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Black history month

blackhistoryWitness: Black History

For Black History Month, you may like to listen to interviews with people who were there at key moments in civil rights history, from Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech, to surviving Robben Island with Nelson Mandela.

These programmes are taken from the BBC World Service programme Witness, 2009 – 2013 and can be found by clicking here.

Mr Kydd.

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Year Twelve briefing notes – for the week starting 20th October



A few things for the week ahead please.

  1. First and foremost please ensure that you finish the half term strongly. Staff continue to say very nice thing to me about the professional approach that you are bringing to your studies. However, there are a lot of deadlines are coming up, and it is essential that the work that you hand in is of the quality that is required.
  2. On Wednesday lunchtime Mr Hand will be running a Sixth Form debate.  The details are below, but you are very welcome to attend. It is obviously particularly helpful to would-be lawyers.  The motion is “This house believes that in some jobs, workers should not be allowed to go on strike.” 
  3. To confirm the switch to mentoring proper kicks in after haf term. From Tuesday 5th November the The AM, Monday and Thursday sessions end. Instead you will have one weekly 15 minute meeting in a group of two or three with your mentor to discuss your academic progress. Individual 1 -to – 1 meetings are available on request. This week we need two things from you. We need you to agree your groups and a mutually convenient time / location with your mentor.

Finally enjoy the long half term. Big challenges lie ahead for November and December, so rest up and come back both refreshed and completely up to date. 

Mr Kydd.

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Careers Bulletin 181013

confused-characterFor all the latest Careers news please click here

If you are interested in local Apprenticeships please click here

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Taster Days at the University of Northampton

confused-characterIf you are thinking of applying to the University of Northampton you may want to go to one of their tailor made taster days.  For brief details of what is on offer please click here

For deailed information please click on the  Nothampton Universtity web site

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