Careers Bulletin 130614 & 200614


Here is last weeks bulletin 130614, swiftly followed by this weeks 200614, Also some very useful tips for budding law students intending to go to Uni , please click here

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Year Twelve (Thirteen) briefing notes


First of all can I thank you very much for the calm and mature way that you have come back to us after your examinations. Any system that asks students to start A2 courses before they have their results from their AS examinations is not ideal, but it feels like it has been a very purposeful start.

The week ahead is a big one for you. Friday is Futures Day – and at the moment we need one action from you – if you are certain tha tyou are not going to university, then please let Mrs Bullion know and we will put you down for the not going to university sessions with Mr Hanham. If you have not seen the letter, then please click here.

In addition, if you want to attend our after school Oxbridge session on Thursday then please let either Mr Hand or me know. It will follow on from the more formal Cambridge  session in the Spring, with a question and answer session with an ex-Little Heath student who is just finishing at Oxford.

Keep working hard…

Mr Kydd.

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WeCanDoItPoster1-378x500If you want to stand for the committee, nominations need to be to Mrs Bullion by Friday 27th June

 Campaign begins 30th June onwards

Election campaign for Chair involves a brief presentation by each candidate in Assembly on Monday 7th July 

Following assembly on the 7th July, ballot papers will be available from the Sixth Form Office (ballot box located in that office). Voting will continue all week. Polls will close at end of day on Friday 11th July.

 New Committee will be announced w/c 14th July

For details about roles, follow this Sixth Form Committee jobs

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EPQ Applications

EPQ-level-3If you would like to do the EPQ, please apply by letter or e mail to Mr Hand ( by Thursday 26th June.  You should state, in no more than 200 words, why you want to do the EPQ and what your initial ideas are for a project.

Remember, you can do ANYTHING you are interested in.  Your EPQ can be a traditional 5000 word essay;  or you can make something; you can do a performance or give an extended presentation.  Find out more from this link: EPQ

Southampton University have just set up this online support course which looks brilliant and which you should sign up for if you are serious about doing the EPQ.  It is FREE and will basically teach you how to develop your research skills.  These are vital for the EPQ and will give you superb preparation for university.  Follow this link: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

We will also be organising visits to Reading University library so you can learn how to use their resources and library system.  Please have a look at this presentation to find out more about it: schoolsbriefing2013

The EPQ is hard work but rewarding.  It will not only allow you to choose what you want to do rather than have it dictated to you, but gives you a massive advantage when you start university or employment having developed time management, research skills and general organisational ability.  Lots of unis will also reduce their main grades if you are doing the EPQ, but you will need to check individual departments admissions policy for this.

Any questions, come and see me

Mr Hand

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Coming Up 4th July – Rwanda – raising money to change a life

aRwanda is a country which has had a difficult history.  The genocide during the 1990s had a profound effect on Rwanda and may children in Rwanda today suffer as a result of what happened during that time.    They need our help – and, for  the last four years, Year 13 students have chosen to support particular children in Rwanda and raise money to give the the chance of a life and a future – and to shoe them that someone cares aboutthem.
In the last four years, Little Heath Sixth Formers have madea real difference – and have transformed the lives of several children.
For Eric and Aline the money provided by Little Heath students has ensured that they now have a decent roof over their head, have regular access to decent food and can go to school, giving them the hope for a brighter future. They are unrecognisable now from the frightened, malnourished children we met 4 years ago – they are happy anf healthy.
Charonne is now getting an education , thanks to Little Heath students (you have to pay for education in Rwanda). He is able to go to school – and , as a result, has the chance of a brighter future. He is progressing well in his studies  and he and his family are now much more secure.
Elijah is making very good progress. He and his brother were poisoned  a few years ago… unfortunately, his brother, Noah, did not survive -but money you raised help to support Elijah’s recovery. He is now at school and doing well.
The money that our Sixth Formers raised  this year has gone towards supporting Mugisha and Manzi (shown in the picture) in a number of ways:
We have repaired the house they live in (which was falling down) and made it habitable
We have bought some piglets to enable Mugisha and Manzi’s grandmother to earn a living and cater for the children’s needs.
We are paying for the children to go to school.
When we visited them, the only furniture in the house was one small bed. Every night Mugish and Manzi shared this bed with their grandmother and aunt who had a small baby. All 5 slept sideways on the bed with their legs hanging over the side. We have bought them 2 new beds (you can see Mugisha and Manzi playing on one of them) , some living room furniture and a solar lamp for lighting. Manzi jokingly told her grandmother that she would not wake up tomorrow because she was so excited to have her own bed with a matress and clean sheets.
It is one of the most precious things you do to show someone you care and to give of yourself to help others. Little Heath Sixth Formers have actually  changed the lives of these children. On Friday 4th July, you, as Year 12, will have the opportunity to learn more about what happened it Rwanda, the effects on children  and how you might be able to help  another child who is struggling. I would urge you to consider being a part of the charity work that will follow – they need your help – YOU can make a difference.
Mr Linz
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Question Time and D-Day

Question_time_logoThis week’s edition of Question Time can be found here. You may also like to have a look at the BBC’s coverage of the D-Day 70 commemorations here.

Mr Kydd.

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Year Twelve (Thirteen) – The week beginning Monday 16th June


It is lovely to have you back. I hope that you are rested and ready for the challenges of what will be a very busy five week period.

A few initial points.

  • Please DO NOT think that you can drop any subjects in this period. It is crucial that you are able to make informed decisions when you have your results in front of you. We do of course understand how frustrating this is for some of you, but it comes back to the idea of being professional students please. If you need to discuss this further please find your mentor or me.
  • Please find this week’s edition of Question Time here.
  • Please find below a list of forthcoming assemblies. There is a lot of really important information in these and attendance is compulsory.
Tuesday 17th June
Outside speaker  – 1.20pm in the Drama Studio.
Thursday 19th June
Launch of Futures Day / EPQ and the Committee – 1.20 Venue TBC.
Friday 27th June
“Futures” Day (UCAS/careers launch).  
Monday 30th June
Year 12 into Year 13 Information Event for Parents (this includes a session on student finance) – 6.30 pm in the Main Hall
Friday 4th July
Rwanda Presentation – Period 4 in the Main Hall.

Once again – it really is lovely to have you back.

Mr Kydd.


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Careers Bulletin 060614

confused-characterPlease click here for all the latest news on Careers, this weeks edition has a fantastic couple of local job opportunities.

To see all the live local apprenticeship vacancies  please click here.  To apply for any or to find out more information please refer to the National Apprenticeship Website.


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Year 13 – last day arrangements

images[11]The last day in 6th Form at LHS is a great event and we all want you to enjoy it.  These are the arrangements:

8.30 – 9.00: Breakfast with your mentors (check poster in 6th Form for rooms)

Lessons 1 and 2 as normal

                                  11.00 – Leavers’ Assembly in common room

                                  12.00 – Royal Oak, for BBQ

You will need id if you want to get served.  Please don’t bring any of your own drink onto a licensed premises.  It is illegal, and you will get thrown out.  Sharon and Keith look after us well, so please respect their hospitality.

Please enjoy the last day.  We just ask that you don’t do anything stupid that could spoil it for others. 

6th Form Team


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Year Twelve briefing notes – the last splash

Crossing-the-finish-line All,

I hope that you had some meaningful rest over the bank holiday. For this week, I would simply ask that you finish as strongly as possible. This means no panic, and asking for help where you need it – we are here to help you.

Mr Kydd.

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