Year Twelve briefing notes – For the week starting Monday 7th July

number12Dear all,

First of all, a sincere thank you for your interest in the excellent assembly that Sam Hunt from  SURF gave us on Friday. Mr Linz has kindly sent me this PDF of young people in Rwanda that we have previously helped. If you would like to be involved in any way from September with fund raising for Alvere and his family, then there will be an assembly on Monday 14th July in the Upper Sixth common room at 1.20.

Can I also say thank you to those of you that helped out with Sports Day, it made a real difference.

Two actions for this week please.

  • If you have not looked at the Futurelearn website then please do this week – there is so much on offer there.
  • Please remember our challenge to you – you should aim to have some type of meaningful plan about what you want to do after Year Thirteen by the end on term. On that note, please have a look at this week’s career’s post below this one. If you need a careers interview we have three places available. Come and see me asap.

Keep working…

Mr Kydd.

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Careers Bulletin 040714

confused-characterNot a great deal in this weeks editon but if you are interested in the Digital Profession, Business( EY have opened applications for SEPT  2015!!!!) or the Health Care Industry please click here

If you would like to see what firms are currently looking for Apprenticeships in Reading or West Berkshire please click here


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EPQ Library Visits

EPQ-level-3At your interview, you should have committed to a library visit.  You should look at this presentation before this: Schools presentation

It’s also important to sign up for the FutureLearn research course.  Look at the earlier posts or follow the links on the right of this page.

The visits will be as follows:

Meet outside 6th Form at 1.30

Reading Library by 2 for visit.

Finish at library by 3.30.

Back to school by 4.

I’d also like all students to make sure that they have downloaded the logs 2015  and guidance filling in pages 5 and 6 for when you come back in September.  It will also be very important that you let us know which subject you are dropping after your results so we can get EPQ on your timetable as soon as possible.

Any questions, see me.

Mr Hand

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History enrichment – the lie that started the war ?

princip-arestedThe 28th June marked the 100th  anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This event is usually seen as the trigger that set off a chain of events that culminated in the First World War. However, the long term causes of that war are of course much more complex. You can find a good account of what happened that day in an article from the Daily Telegraph here. You might also like to watch this 5 minute Youtube clip with Dan Snow below.

Beyond the events of 28th June 1914, this History on the Net article is a nice introduction to the different causes, whilst in this excellent BBC magazine article historians discuss who should be blamed for war starting. Finally, watch the great AJP Taylor stressing the importance of the railway timetables.

Mr Kydd.

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Year Twelve briefing notes – for the week beginning Monday


Many thanks for all your excellent work in the Futures Day. Please remember our target of having a careers plan mapped out by the end of term.

A few bits to mop up below.

  • The presentation from AMy (University of Reading) can be found here, whilst Adele’s will follow.
  • Please see the post below (a few down) for Mr Hand’s post  about futurelearn.
  • If you want a careers interview, then there will be an opportunity on 14th July. Please go and see Mrs Wooller (in the careers office) if you are interested.
  • Please see below for some follow up Oxbridge materials from Ryan below. The personal statement link should be of general UCAS interest.

Keep working hard please.

Mr Kydd

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Useful Oxbridge links

oxbridgeFollowing on from Ryan’s talk yesterday, he has kindly sent me the following links. I hope that there is something useful here for you.

Here are a couple of links I think I might be useful. This is a brief summary by one of my tutors of what they look for in a personal statement. If you go back a link there’s a whole list of blog posts of different things on admissions and student experiences which should be useful. is also a huge collection of useful videos.

Mr Kydd.

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Question Time

Question_time_logoThis week’s edition of Question Time can be found here.

Mr Kydd.

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Careers Bulletin & Apprenticeship Vacancies 270614

confused-characterPlease have a look at this weeks news by clicking 270614.  If you are searching for an apprenticeship please click Heathen Apprenticeship Vacancies for the latest vacancies available in Reading and West Berkshire.

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images[2]Follow this link to the whole range of FREE online courses offered by universities both here and abroad.

It’s a fantastic resource and is linked to the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) that the University of Southampton offer.  Look at the last EPQ post for further information on this.

If you want to make your university or job application stand out, having done one of these courses will give you the edge and show that you have interests beyond the set curriculum.

It obviously ties in brilliantly with the EPQ as well, especially if you want/are struggling for ideas for what you could do.

Mr Hand

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Social Media and Crime

7918l-lady-justice-3-feet-statue-900x900Follow this link for an article on how much police time is now taken up with crimes on social media.

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