smobIf you click  here you will find the homepage of the Social Mobility Foundation (SMF). This is a charity which aims to make a practical improvement in social mobility for young people from low-income backgrounds.

You may like to know that a key area of work for them is helping to support university applications. They work in 11 career sectors (Accountancy, Architecture, Banking & Finance, Business, Engineering, Law, Media, Medicine, Politics, Science, and Technology) and run programmes to support young people throughout the UK.

Mr Kydd.

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AWE Presentation on Sponsored Degree!

confused-character This presentation is in S3 on Wednesday 1.20pm – all welcome!

If you are interested in engineering in any way at all  ,  you can find out so much information by attending this presentation.

Thank you


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Year Twelve – weekly briefing notes – For the week beginning Monday 2nd December


1. Can I start by thanking you again for the excellent way that you conducted yourself at the Safe Drive afternoon at the Hexagon. It really is appreciated. Their website can be found by clicking here.

2. This Thursday is obviously the parental – mentor meetings. These will take place in the common rooms. Two actions for you. You should have an appointment time booked. If not, can you do this as a matter of urgency on Monday. Secondly, again can I stress that we very much want you to come to these meetings – we will not say anything to your parents that we would not say to you !

3. Please have a look at the careers post below this about sponsored degrees and apprenticeships. If you are interested in AWE then sign up for the talk opposite the Sixth Form reception.

4. Finally your mentors have advent calendars. A small bribe to help you remember your December meetings.

Have a good week,

Mr Kydd.

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Drama – Threatre Companies

dramaHaving a broad knowledge of different theatre companies is essential to success in drama both in written and performance tasks.

 Doing AS Drama?

In Unit 1 you could relate the theatre companies ideas to the texts that you study and apply their work in your performances. In Unit 2 a theatre companies style could influence your final performance … it may have even been performed by them before that you could watch.

 Doing A2 Drama?

In Unit 3 you have to use a known theatre company to influence your decisions and write about in your SWED. In Unit 4 you have to come up with a concept for a production … what better way to do that than using a theatre company?

 Why don’t you look up some of the theatre companies below to get a more in depth insight?

 Punch Drunk

“a unique theatrical experience where the lines between space, performer and spectator are constantly shifting” –

 Frantic Assembly

“thrilling, energetic and unforgettable theatre combining Frantic Assembly’s unique physical style of movement, design, music and text.”

 PUSH physical theatre

“I do not represent physical theatre as a whole … I only speak of the connections we have made on our artistic journey. We are a small but insistent voice in a world of beautiful and gifted movers…”


“style of visual and devised theatre [has] an emphasis on strong, corporeal, poetic and surrealist image supporting text”

 Splendid Productions

“high quality, professional, political theatre”


“about taking risks, aesthetically and physically, about breaking down the barriers between dance and theatre and, above all, communicating ideas and feelings clearly and unpretentiously”


“inspiration, physical, storytelling theatre”

 Kneehigh Theatre

“an everchanging ensemble”

 The more you know, the more informed your performances and decisions are.

Miss Broadhead.

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Careers Bulletin 291113

confused-characterFor updated news on Sponsored degrees,scholarships and apprenticeships locally please click here


I have come accross a very informative guide to Careers in Sport & Exercise Sciences, from BASES ” The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences” lots of useful job profiles, linked websites etc but be aware it was published in 2010 but still very informative about a wide variety of jobs in this sector – hope you find it helpful please click  here

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Question Time

Question_time_logoThis week’s edition of Question Time can be found by clicking here. It is from Falkirk, and in part looks at the possible break up of the United Kingdom in 2014 after the Scottish referendum.

Mr Kydd.

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Why do people hate the word chemicals?

madscientistAn interesting post and original post from the BBC news magazine section can be found here. In it Dr Mark Lorch asks as “chemistry is everywhere in the world around us – so why are we so scared of it ?”.  This question is considered  further in  this episode of  the excellent BBC Radio 4 series Four Thought.

Have a read / listen and see what you think.

Dr Kissisk.

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Year 13: week beginning 25th November

number 13It really would be a good idea to get your UCAS applications off by the end of this week.  Also, if you are not applying for uni, you should be considering a range of post-A level options.  Keep checking the careers bulletin and seek help if you are struggling to come up with a plan.  Ask me, see your mentor, pop in and see Mrs Wooller in careers.

This program Totally Shameless, is well worth a watch.  Owen Jones talks about the negative depiction of the working class in the media.  This article by Polly Toynbee is also worth reading.  It’s about why young people should vote and is a counter argument to Russell Brand’s recent comments.

Mr Hand

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Year Twelve briefing notes – The week beginning Monday 24th November


A few matters for this week please.

1. As you should know by now there is a meet the mentor evening for your parents on 5th December (4.00 to 6.00 PM). We very  much want you to come to this as well. Can you please ensure that you book a ten minute slot with your mentor by Thursday. 

2. Coach details for Tuesday afternoon’s “Safe Drive – Stay Alive” visit will be posted in the Common Room.

3. Please do take a couple of minutes to read the Careers and University posts from Mrs Wooller below this. You may also like to look at the Headstart and engineering posts from the Maths department below them.

Have a good week,

Mr Kydd.

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Careers Bulletin 221113

confused-characterInformation included this week relates to journalism, law, criminology. aerospace, defence and engineering – plus a visit from AWE on the 4th December who are recruiting A level students with a view to funding a degree in engineering! To read more, please click here

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