

Sorry, but all the Oxbridge information seems to be coming at once this year. In addition to the summer schools described below, Oxford offer some pathways days for students from comprehensive schools in March. Please see the description and link below. I promise that as it comes along I will put up the information for apprenticeships and other universities.

University of Oxford Pathways Programme year 12 Study Days:
Applications are now open for our year 12 study days on the 18th, 19th and 20th March. These allow year 12 students from non-selective state schools to spend a day studying a subject at Oxford with some of our academics. We’re offering events in most subjects offered by Oxford. They are free, including lunch. Thanks to the Sutton Trust, we will be able to provide accommodation and a contribution to travel expenses for some students. Students apply for these days individually – there is no need you to be accompanied by parents or teachers.
For full details of the selection process, and the application form please see
The deadline for making an application is 5pm on Friday 31 January 2014.
Mr Kydd.
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Oxbridge and Easter opportunities


Following on form yesterday’s assembly, a few university matters for you to start thinking about.

  • Bookings are now open for the free Oxford summer schools. If you want to know more please click If you are thinking of an application, then this is very much worth you considering (it has helped our successful candidates in the past). They take place after your AS examinations.
  • On  Wednesday 5th February we have a speaker from Cambridge coming at 4.00 to present in the main hall on what Oxbridge is actually like. More of this next week, but all are welcome.
  • I have also had some information from the University of Royal Holloway about Easter and Summer university opportunities. The deadline for applications to these is 14th February. Many of these are also free, and if you are interested, please see me. I have put the flyers for these (and the uniq sessions) on the blue pin board outside my office.

Mr Kydd.

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Year Twelve briefing notes – The week starting Monday 20th January


It is good to have you back. A few thing for the week ahead please.

  • There is a formal assembly with the Head on Tuesday in the Main Hall. 1.20 – 1.40. Please be prompt.
  • Please do have a look at the Careers post below this. The Fair on the 30th January has many excellent opportunities for those of you not looking to go to university after completing your A Levels. For those of you who are, it is also useful. However, you really should also be looking to check this site as often as possible. As soon as we get opportunities such as the taster days in London, we will post them here.
  • This week will see you coming into contact with your mocks results. It is important that you face these as professional students. If you have not got the grades that you want, then you need to be brutally honest with yourself. What are the lessons that you need to learn ? What can you do in the classroom to improve ? How effective was your revision ? Have you put the hours in beyond the classroom to earn the success that you want ? Remember we say three to four hours a night. These are of course all matters that you should discuss with your mentors.

Have a good week.

Mr Kydd.

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Careers Bulletin 17th January 2014


This weeks news includes details of the fast approaching Careers Fair on the 30th January 6pm – 8.30pm , click here for general news and here for details of exhibitors attending.

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Question Time

Question_time_logoThis week’s edition of Question Time can be found here.

Mr Kydd

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Student Finance

SfinanceYou can start applying for student finance now!  For a useful set of factsheets and guides, follow this link to the Student Finance England web site.  it really does have everything you need to know. 

This link will take you to the government site where you can apply on line.

The deadline if you want to get loans and grants for the start of term  September 2014 is 30th May.

Mr Hand

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Education at Cambridge

cam_logoIf you click here you will get the flyer for the education taster day at the University of Cambridge. Please find below a description of what this is. 

“Education at Cambridge is not a course aimed solely at those who may wish to teach. It is a broad social science course encompassing Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology and History, and is ideal for students interested in working in international organisations, government, social policy and creative practice as well as those planning to work in the education sector. Education is one of the most important and powerful cultural currents of change and growth in the modern world, and Education students engage with topics in education, justice and human rights within a global context.

Mr Kydd.

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Year Twelve Briefing notes – for the week starting Monday 13th January


Obviously this week will see the end of your mocks. From here you need to hit the ground running in the remaining five weeks of this half term.

What does this mean ?

  • From Thursday normal lessons start again, and you need to press on at speed with your courses. As I have stressed to you before, AS examinations are early, and time is thus short.
  • There will be feedback coming from each of your subjects. Quite simply, please do make sure that you learn the lessons these specific lessons.
  • Your reports will go to your mentors in early February. You will then have a 1-to-1 meeting with them. These will review your metor evening targets, and the guidance from your mock examination. These should be complete by parents evening on Thursday 13th February.

Finally, if you are looking to go to university, then please do look at the taster days post below.

Mr Kydd.


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Question Time

Question_time_logoThis week’s edition of Question Time can be found here. The first question asks “should the young and poor pay the living standards of rich pensioners ?”

Mr Kydd.

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University taster lessons

ucasYear Twelve,

If you are thinking about applying to university, then you should think about making an applications to the university taster course programme.

Please see the website link and their information below.

We are pleased to offer over 160 FREE university taster courses in a variety of subjects taking place at numerous universities across London. 

Please note that students do not need to rush to apply straight away as we are giving everyone until 11am on Wednesday 15 January 2014 to initially apply. Full details available on our website

Special note regarding Medicine & Veterinary Medicine taster courses
Applications for the following taster courses below will also open at 11am today, however, students do not need to apply immediately as they have until the application deadlines stated below to apply. The medicine taster courses at St George’s and the Veterinary Medicine taster courses at the Royal Veterinary College are vastly over subscribed and therefore places will be allocated on a random selection basis and students will be notified by the Taster Course Programme office if they have gained a place on these taster courses a day after the application deadlines below:

A Taste of Medicine
St George’s, University of London
Monday 14 April to Thursday 17 April 2014, 9.30am – 4pm

Application deadline: 5pm, Monday 3 March 2014
A Taste of Medicine
St George’s, University of London
Monday 7 July  to Thursday 10 July 2014, 9.30am – 4pm

Application deadline: 5pm, Monday 19 May 2014
Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed)
Royal Veterinary College
Wednesday 16 April & Thursday 17 April 2014, 9am – 5pm

Application deadline: 5pm, Monday 17 February 2014
We look forward to receiving your students’ applications soon.

Mr Kydd.
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