
Looking for some theatre to see this month? Have a look at the two following shows! Remember to keep an eye on the Drama notice board for the teacher’s recommendations.

 Miss Ellicott

Posted in Announcements, Drama, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Sutton Trust

sutton trustThe Sutton Trust Summer Schools will be running again next year and you can apply by following the link below.

Check the criteria to see if you are eligible.  If you are, it’s a really good opportunity which will ‘flag up’ on any UCAS application you make in 2017.

Follow this link

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Week beginning 5th October

union jackAssembly today at 1.20 for Year 12, main hall.

This week, Year 12 should start the process of arranging their mentor times which will start after half term.  You will meet with your mentor in smaller groups once you have registered.  Times you arrange should be when they fit best with your timetable.

British Citizenship and British values are much in the news at the moment.  Take the British Citizenship test here

Year 12 introductory reviews are being completed by staff this week.  Remember, if you want the right to home study privileges after Christmas, your attendance and reports must justify it.

Year 13 – subject references have been completed, so it is now up to you to liaise with your mentors so that your application can be sent off as soon as possible.

Posted in Announcements, General Enrichment, UCAS, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Presentation from Year 12 Induction Parents Evening

If you would like to view the presentation from Thursday’s meeting, please click on this link Induction evening for parents 2015.

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Careers Bulletin 021015


This weeks bulletin amongst other things  advertises apprenticeships in MI5 and MI6 – well worth a quick read!

Please click here

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New Smoking Law

SmokingFrom today (1st October) it is now illegal to drive a car and smoke if you have any under 18’s in the car at the same time.  You may receive a fine if caught by the police.  Worth thinking about if you are driving around with friends and someone is smoking and there are people in the car under 18.

This article tells you more about it.

Posted in Announcements, General Enrichment, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Fancy winning a trip to New York and £200 spending money?

NYIFS Student Investor Challenge

This is a national competition where you have a virtual £45000 to spend on the stock market buying and selling shares.  Trading runs from 12th October to 29th January but  registration closes on 8th November.

You need to be in teams of 4 people that attend the school and the school can enter as many teams as we like.  There will also be a prize for the winning team from Little Heath School.  Its free to play and you can win a trip to New York, £200 cash per team member and £2000 for the school.

If you would like to register a team, you need to email Mr Jessop ( with a team name, a password for your team and the team members (student names).  Mr Jessop will then be in touch on how to play.  For more information click here.

Posted in Announcements, Business, Careers, Economics, General Enrichment, Maths, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Careers Bulletin 250915


This week has a real variety of topics so please do take the time to  have a quick look here

If you plan to leave LHS in 2016 please be aware that many companies are recruiting NOW so please do not lose out by applying too late.



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Week Beginning 28th September

VWYear 13

You should be meeting your mentors to talk about your UCAS personal statement or future career plans.  Your mentors are key to check and advise you on these matters, so please ensure you attend your mentor meetings.  In order to meet the school deadline for UCAS applications (Friday 13th November) then you should be using this time to make your course choices, university choices and writing your second draft of your personal statement.

There will be an assembly on Tuesday in the main hall at 1.20pm and we have a guest speaker coming in, so all must attend.

Year 12

Important assembly for all in the main hall at 1.20pm on Monday.  We have PC Emery coming in to speak to you about teenagers and the law, explaining how the law affects you and staying safe.  The assembly will also inform you about the importance of setting minimum target grades in your subjects.

There is also the year 12 induction evening on Thursday 1st October at 7pm in the main hall.  This evening is for parents and therefore students do not need to come but if you would like to then you are more than welcome.  A letter has been sent home about this evening.

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Creative Skillset Futurelearn

images[2]Don’t forget the amazing range of free online courses that are available to you.  Follow this link to see some of the latest online offerings including how:

Film Production: Behind the Scenes of Feature Filmmaking The Production Guild of Great Britain Get a guided tour of the filmmaking process. Meet the people who make up a film crew.

An Introduction to Screenwriting  Explore the key concepts and fundamental principles involved in creating a screenplay – the essential work from which all other filmmaking flows.

To see more click here:

creative arts and media



Posted in Announcements, Eng lang, Futurelearn, General Enrichment, Media and Film Studies, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment