Magnificent molecules

ChemistryWelcome back Year Twelve.

This link is from excellent Royal Society for Chemistry magazine – The Mole (note the link to all the back copies is on the department useful links page). Here it asks why death smells…

“Crime novelists and war reporters often refer to the ‘smell of death’ when encountering a dead or decomposing body. The characteristic odours of rotting flesh are difficult to forget once experienced and are generally recognised as being worth avoiding, but what is it that makes a dead body smell so bad?”

This should help you with your Materials Revolution work.

Dr Kissick.

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Debating – Fight Club

Fight_Club_posterComing soon – Fight Club.

1. The first rule of fight club is – you do not talk about fight club.

2. The second rule of fight club is – you DO NOT talk about fight club.

Sixth Form debating will start again soon. Hope to see you there. If you have any particular motions (topics) that you want debated please let me know. If you have not debated with us before, then here are some of the past motions.

This house believes that modern life is rubbish.
This house believes that re-introducing the death penalty will reduce crime and serve the interests of justice.
This house believes that spending £20 billion on upgrading Britain’s nuclear weapons is a waste of money.
This house believes that exams are the best way of deciding who should succeed and who should fail in life.
This house believes that rioting is a form of protest.
This house believes that the royal wedding will be a great day for our nation.
This house believes that there is no need for God in a modern society.

Mr Hand.

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Question time.

Question_time_logo2If you speak to admissions tutors about what they want from prospective students the list is long, and of course it varies from discipline to discipline. In subjects like economics,  geography, history, philosophy and politics they often say they want students who are aware of current affairs, and have opinions about them.

More generally, we would hope that you all would take an interest in the news. Such matters should not be the reserve of the humanities. One of the best ways of doing this is to regularly watch debating and discussion programmes like Question Time. This is on on Thursday evenings on BBC1 from 10.35.  It is meant to be balanced between the different views, but be mindful that at times it will make you very angry. This week’s edition can be found here and the programme webpage can be found here .

Give it a go.

Mr Kydd.

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The History Society

A Rake's Progress (plate 7) 1735 by William Hogarth 1697-1764Summer 2013 – The Russia season

(part one)


This is intended for the returning historians, but all are welcome.To get you in the mood for the extraordinary journey that is Russian dictatorships the History Society (the attached image is of an earlier meeting) will be running a series of enrichment sessions after school in T10 from 3.30 this term.

  • Tuesday 25th June – Timewatch compares Ivan the Terrible and Stalin . A super introduction to synoptic writing and there will be violence. 1 hour.


  • Monday 1st July – Timewatch search for the real Rasputin. There will be rude bits, and it an interesting way in to considering the role of the individual in History. 1 hour.


  • Tuesday 9th July – Stalin – Man of Steel. David Reynolds discusses how Stalin almost lost the Great Patriotic War. The impact of war is another key theme of this course, but really the worth of this session is to help you understand the scale of Russian history, and the nature of the relationship between the rulers and the ruled in a totalitarian state. 1½ hours.

There will be cake…  

See you there.

Mr Kydd.

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Welcome to the Sixth Form enrichment site

WP_20151113_001Your first task is to bookmark this page, and thereafter you should visit this site at least once a week. Please be clear this an enrichment rather than work site. You will all use this site in slightly different ways. However, the key point is that you do use it regularly to make the most of your time with us. There are two key aspects to it.

1. The newsfeed below this sticky post will have enrichment opportunities for you. These may be from departments (click here for example for the Villers Trust site), or they may be more general (click here for example for the University of Reading study advice centre) . There will also be information posts from us or Careers (ie you won’t know what is going on if you do not look at this site). We also want this to be a place where we celebrate your achievement. This might be sport results, drama and media work or, as above your art work.

2. The pages above this sticky will have all the permanent information that a Sixth Form student will need at Little Heath School. They are really places of reference as and when you need them.

You are now able to follow us on Twitter = @lhs6thform

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