ucas-logoYou should have seen your mentors by now, discussed your plans and be working on your pesonal statement and UCAS application.  Subject references are being written as I write and the deadline for them is October 4th.  You should discuss with you subject teachers what your predicted grades are so that they are in line with your application aspirations.  The sooner you get to work on your personal statements, the better.  Don’t leave it until the last minute and then expect your mentor to give you quality feedback when they are inundated with other people demanding the same ‘service’.

There is an important assembly on Monday about student finance which you should attend if you are applying this year for uni.

Mr Hand

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Improve Your Chances Of Becoming a Doctor or Lawyer



If you are in Year 12 Careers Conferences will be happening in London in February & March ( booking essential) where you can listen to speakers and talk to people in these professions.  You will:  Hear practical tips on getting into Uni,  Learn about these Careers, Hear what being a Doctor/lawyer is really like, Speak with a practitioner and much more . To find out more click here 


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EPQ-level-3EPQ lessons will start next week.  You should have done the suggested research that you discussed in your interview.

Please make sure you have had a look at this link: http://www.reading.ac.uk/library/contact/info-for/teachers/lib-info-for-teachers.aspx which will take you to the Reading University Library site.  There will be a visit to the library on 26th September.  You will have to get there on your own to arrive at 4 0’clock so you may need to miss your last lesson.  Please also check the other posts on the EPQ section of the school website so that you have familiarised yourself with the logs and guidance.

Mr Hand

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Year 13 – week beginning 9.3.13

number 13You will be texted today if there is an assembly.  Year 13 assemblies, when they do take place, will always now be on a Monday.

Please make sure you have arranged your mentor times and that you are working on your UCAS application and personal statement, or CV and research if you are not applying for university.

There is a useful link below to a BBC web site which explains the Syrian crisis history.  The Fight Club debate this half term will be on this controversial topic.

Mr Hand

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Year Twelve – weekly briefing notes

number12May I start by saying that I have had a number of my colleagues come up to me to praise the calm, keen and sensible way that you have started the Sixth Form. Thank you, it is very encouraging.

A few things for this week please.

1.Please remember that you have form time today at 1.20. There is no assembly this week, but there are full formal assemblies for the following two Tuesdays.

2.Most of you will be getting your first proper homework this week. You need to take this very seriously – it is a big part of success in the Sixth Form. It will also quickly build, and a typical A Level student will be doing three to four hours homework every day. As such, you need;

  • A proper routine.
  • A filling system that you can keep on top of.
  • To be doing no more than 8 hours paid work a week.

3. Many thanks to those of you who – in great numbers – have offered to help out on Open Evening. It is appreciated. It is not too late to volunteer if you fancy it. Just give your name to your mentor.

4. Enrichment – Finally, you may like to take note of the link to the BBC pages below if you want to develop your understanding of what is going on in Syria at the moment.

Have a good week,

Mr Kydd.

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In the news – Syria

syriaOne of the reasons that we wanted to create this website for you was to give you appropriate enrichment  opportunities beyond the classroom. As part of your Sixth Form life we would hope that you will take an increasing interest in the world. As such, sometimes we will post news stories. Where subjects are controversial we will aim to give you links to the facts (the what is happening) and let you consider the differing opinions for yourself.

The civil war in Syria is of course one such emotive subject. It involves some very difficult issues, like the use of chemical weapons, and it has the potential to become a wider conflict. You really should know what is happening there. This BBC post gives a solid overview of events.

Mr Kydd.

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Oxbridge, vets, medics!

17035_trinityjcrIf you are still thinking of applying for Oxford, Cambridge, medicine or vetinary science, I need to know you are definites.  Please come and see me as soon as possible so I can make sure your references are done and that you are doing the right thing with your personal statements. 

Mr Hand

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Sixth Form use of the astro turf pitch

sportSixth formers can use the astro turf everyday at lunch time from 2.05 until 2.25pm.  You will also be able to use the area on Friday lunchtime from 1.20pm but will be sharing it with any girls from all years who are keen to play.

The 2.05 – 2.25pm sessions will not be supervised as we trust that you will use it appropriately.

  • Change your footwear to trainers.
  • no eating/chewing gum.
  • return equipment.
  • appropriate language and behaviour.

We hope you enjoy using the area and make good use of this excellent facility that we are really lucky to have.

Thank you

Mr Hanham

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Year Twelve announcements

Exclaimation mark - YellowWelcome to the Sixth Form. A couple of announcements for this week please.

1. If you are undertaking GCSE Italian, then these lessons will start next week (from Monday 9th September).

2. Photo times for this week are as follows.


12CWI – 12.30

12DTH – 12.40

 12DWO – 12.50

12GMA – 1.00

12JDO – 1.10

12JWH – 1.20


12KNO – 12.30

12MDI – 12.40

12RJE – 12.50

12RVI – 1.00

12WDA – 1.10

Whenever Mrs Bell and I post announcements for you we will use the yellow exclamation mark icon.

Mrs Bullion and Mrs Bell.

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Welcome to the Sixth Form

number12Year Twelve,

Congratulations on finding your enrichment website. Please find a copy of the powerpoint from your assembly here. Today you should bookmark the site and spend a few minutes getting familiar with its layout. The permanent pages above will in time contain all the key information that  you will need. These will be developed over the Autumn term. For now have a look at the careers, assemblies, department enrichment and PLC pages to give you a taste of how different the Sixth Form is. 

This news feed will contain announcements and messages from us. I will usually post for the week ahead on Sunday nights. You part of the deal is that  you must visit this site every week so you know what is going on.

 I hope very much that you enjoy the fresh challenges of the next few weeks.

Mr Kydd.

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