Year Twelve briefing notes – for the week starting Monday 16th September


First, and perhaps most importantly, I continue to hear very positive things about the calm and professional way that you have started your Sixth Form studies, so a sincere thank you for that, and keep it up.

This will be a very busy week, and you should now expect the work outside the classroom to really start to pick up (twenty five school weeks until study leave !). Remember, we say we expect three to four hours independent work a day. If you have not done so, then you need to set up quickly a proper filling system, a work routine, and ideally a quiet space to work at home. You might like to know that the Sixth Form is open from 7.00 until 5.30, and you are always welcome to use it outside lesson times.

You will  have tutor meetings on Monday and Thursday, and, as the published rota shows, a formal assembly with me on Tuesday. Please note these are all compulsory and they will be registered.

Finally, I hope that you are using the news feed on this site to enrich your studies. If you do Maths or Drama there have been excellent opportunities posted this week from them. In addition, you might like to note the news posts I have made. Perhaps the most important point to highlight is the excellent careers information on offer. You should be starting to think about life after Little Heath now.

This week alone…

  • On Monday Mr Hand is doing an assembly for Year Thirteens on student finance. If you want to go you are welcome (just clear it with your mentor).
  • There is information about the the growing trend for sponsored degrees – with an opportunity for business / economics students.
  • There is information about a careers fair for those of you who are not planning to go to university.

Contacts made and information gained now will really help in Year Thirteen.

Enjoy your studies, and have a good week.

Mr Kydd.

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Information about 16-19 Discretionary Bursary Fund

Exclaimation mark - YellowApplication packs are now available for students to apply for the Bursary Fund. You can pick one up from Mrs Bell or Mrs Bullion in the Sixth Form Office.  The deadline for applications is Thursday 17th October.

Mrs Bullion

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Sponsored Degree Opportunity

confused-characterFantastic opportunity for any Year 13 student interested in Business or IT but undecided about University .  CGI are a global company looking to recruit enthusiastic students who want to work, learn and earn.  CGI will be at the “Girls Only Careers Fair”  in LHS on the 25th September – please do pop in and chat with them if this interests you ( Even if you are a boy!!) Please click here  to find out more.

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Careers Bulletin 140913


The first careers event at Little Heath School this term is the “The Girls Only Fair” on the 25th September – date for your diary.  News in this weeks bulletin covers, opportunities in the construction industry,  conferences for budding law and medical students and an inspiring event for all the art students .Click here to find out more.

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Question Time

Question_time_logo2If you speak to admissions tutors about what they want from prospective students the list is long, and of course it varies from discipline to discipline. In subjects like economics,  geography, history, philosophy and politics they often say they want students who are aware of current affairs, and have opinions about them.

More generally, we would hope that you all would take an interest in the news. Such matters should not be the reserve of the humanities. One of the best ways of doing this is to regularly watch debating and discussion programmes like Question Time. This is on on Thursday evenings on BBC1 from 10.35.  It is meant to be balanced between the different views, but be mindful that at times it will make you very angry. This week’s edition can be found here and the programme webpage can be found here .

Mr Kydd.

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Drama enrichment

dramaWhat’s on – September and October

As ever, whilst this list of “what is on” is mainly aimed at A Level Drama students, you don’t have to study the subject to love the Theatre.

Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare

The Watermill, Newbury: 17th September – 21st September

Honestly I don’t love the look of this but if you are taking A2 Drama try and see as much Romeo and Juliet as possible to get ready for your exam and this looks like a … hmm … interesting … interpretation of the classic text.

 Money Bars, Chris Goode

The Corn Exchange, Newbury: 26th September

Of Fringe Festival origin, this piece of Verbatim Theatre has the words of children said from the mouths of adults. It is a really interesting stylistic performance that I will definitely be at!

 Edward II, Christopher Marlowe

The National Theatre, London: Now – 26th October

National productions are always amazing and this looks really exciting … a really good piece of acting!

 The Drowned Man, A Hollywood Fable

The National Theatre, London: Now – 30th December

Miss Woof has been to this and says it is great and I really want to go. It is a company called Punch Drunk so it is an immersive theatre experience … sounds mental but amazing. It is also apparently based on Woyzeck (although it has received criticism saying it isn’t really like it!) which is a play you will study if you do year 13 drama for your exam.

 Enjoy, Miss Broadhead.

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Maths Enrichment – the Monty Hall problem

mathsToday’s BBC news website magazine has a link to Alan Davies having a go at the famous statistics teaser called the Monty Hall problem. Have look and see what you think by clicking here.

Mr Trim.

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Upper School production

dramaCalling all Year 10s, 11s, 12s and 13s,

This year’s Upper School Production is going to be …

13 by Mike Bartlett

 An identical, terrifying dream haunts Londoners in the midst of economic gloom and ineffective protest. Coincidences, omens and visions collide with political reality in this epic play by the award winning Mike Bartlett. Set in a dark and magical landscape, it depicts a London both familiar and strange: a London staring into the void.

 Auditions will be held after school in the Drama Studio on Monday 16th or Wednesday 18th September. If you would like to audition, come and collect a script from the Drama Studio office and sign up.

Hope to see lots of you there,

Miss Broadhead and the Drama Department

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Year 13 Student Finance Assembly

number 13On Monday at 1.20 there will be an assembly for all students who are applying for University this year about student finance.  An outside speaker is coming so we have someone who you need to hear.  Although this is primarily for Year 13 students, Year 12 students are welcome if they want to attend.

Mr Hand

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Oxford maths attainment test preparation course

mathsA2 maths students – please see below

Oxford maths attainment test preparation course

This course is intended for students applying for Oxford degree courses in Mathematics, Mathematics & Statistics or Mathematics & Philosophy.

Students applying for any of the above courses will need to answer the first five questions of the entrance test. This course is designed to equip students, with at least an AS Level in Mathematics or equivalent, to develop their mathematical thinking and so gain confidence in tackling these questions.

[The course is not intended for students applying for Oxford degree courses in Computer Science or Mathematics & Computer Science, but will cover some of the topics required for the entrance paper.]

The online sessions will run on a Monday evening from 5 pm to 6 pm, beginning on Monday, 23rdSeptember, and costs just £50.

Anyone who wants to know more should see Mr Trim.

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