ucas-logoThe end of term is looming so it’s time to get your UCAS in if you haven’t done it yet!  Have a look at Which? magazine’s five application delays to avoid.  Please avoid them!  Official deadline is January 15th at 6 pm, but it would be unwise to leave it until then.  There will be no guarantee that references can get done over Christmas, so sort it out now.

Mr Hand

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Reading Youth Cabinet

ballot-boxThis week (9th-13th December) is election week  to choose new members of the Reading Youth Cabinet , who represent, and influence decisions about, the young people of Reading.
Every young person at LHS is eligible to vote in this election – and we would encourage you to do so….it is important that you have your say..your voice matters!
Three of our Sixth Formers (Bryony May, Ope Ogundimi, Ryan Ward) are standing for election to represent the Reading West area – which , for the purposes of the Youth Service, encompasses LHS & Tilehurst. There are a total of 12 candidates for this “district” with four positions available.
Ballot papers and a ballot box can be found in the Sixth Form Centre. There are also ballot boxes in Mr Linz’s office and in the Library.
You have until  this Friday, 13th December,  at 2:25pm to cast your vote. We would really encourage you to take part.
Mr Linz.
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Geography enrichment website

ox bow lakeIf you click here you will be taken to an  excellent, and often updated blogspot. It has first class further reading opportunities for you.

Mrs Park.

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The Common Room

Black-Hole-Of-Calcutta3The post-flood Common Room is now re-opened.

Mr Kydd.

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The excellent Hugh Hunt

hugh_hunt36_webPlease click here for the website of the excellent Dr Hugh Hunt. It includes loads of Maths/Physics ideas. For example  there are links to programmes entitled;

  • Dambusters:Building the Bouncing Bomb.
  • Escape From Colditz Digging the Great Escape .
  • Fifth Gear Stunt Special:Loop the Loop.
  • Gyroscopes/Vibrations.

It is probable most interesting if you are thinking engineering, maths,  ortechnology at university.

Mrs Byrne.

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Chemistry enrichment – The latest edition of the Mole

madscientistPlease click here for the latest edition of the Mole magazine.  It includes;

• How nanoscale helps us understand the world around us.

• An investigation into the stickiness of superglue.

• How to make a spectroscope.

• How to purify water with coriander.

• Find out where the helium in your party balloon comes from.

• Discover how chemistry has a role in aerospace engineering.

Dr Kissick.

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What should the historian think about the death of Nelson Mandela ?

MandelaWell the obvious answer to that is it is up to you. Moreover, many of you will have a clear understanding  of what Nelson Mandela did to destroy Apartheid from your GCSE coursework. 

Yet, since studying Mandela, you will have moved to you A Level studies, and can reflect that today most historians prefer to consider the roles of ideas (such as nationalism and economics) rather than the works of great men. Think for example about the role of Garibaldi in the unification of Italy. Today perhaps only Mikhail Gorbachev could come close to Mandela in having a reputation for fulfilling that idea of a great individual who changed the world for his role in ending the Cold War in a peaceful way.

Perhaps it is too soon to dispasionately answer the question. What is certainly unquestionable is few people now alive will ever be as loved as  Nelson Mandela. You may also like to watch this excellent BBC review of his life.

Click the hyperlinks to see what you think.

Mr Kydd.

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Year Twelve briefing notes – for the week beginning Monday 9th December

number12A few things for the week ahead please.

1. Post flood we are hoping to get the common room back in action this week. There is still some drying out to be done, but I promise that we are moving as quickly as we can. Watch this space for details.

2. It was great to see so many of you at the “Meet the Mentor” evening last week. I hope that you had constructive meetings. If there are actions arising from your conversations, then please see that these happen.

3. There is a formal assembly in the main hall on Tuesday (1.20 – 1.40). This will brief you on your forthcoming mock examinations, and as such attendance is obviously for all.

4. It is a Little Heath Sixth Form tradition that the Lower Sixth each provide a box of chocolates (wrapped) for the OAP Party. Can you hand yours in to the office by the end of this week. These will be given out by Father Christmas to our guests next Monday. 

Have a good week,

Mr Kydd.

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Drama Practitioners

 dramaHaving a broad knowledge of different practitioners is essential to success in drama both in written and performance tasks.

 Doing AS Drama? In Unit 1 you could relate the practitioner’s ideas to the texts that you study. In Unit 2 a practitioner’s style could influence your final performance … it may have even been performed in that way before.

 Doing A2 Drama?

In Unit 3 you have to use a known practitioner to influence your decisions and write about in your SWED. In Unit 4 you have to come up with a concept for a production … what better way to do that than using a practitioner? Why don’t you look up some of the practitioners below to get a more in depth insight?

 Constantin Stanislavki

“the feeling of truth and belief”




 Bertolt Brecht

“The actor should not be the character, the actor should show the character.”




 Antonin Artaud

“Cruel to actors. Cruel to audience.”




 Augusto Boal

“All human beings are actors (they act!) and spectators (they observe!).”




 Stephen Berkoff

“I am very resistant to most kinds of theatre.”




 Jerzy Grotowski

“If you want to create a masterpiece, you should always avoid beauty.”




 Edward Gordon Craig

“This is what the title of artist means: one who perceives more than his fellows, one who records more than he has seen.”




 Peter Brook

“reality is a word with many meanings”




 Katie Mitchell

“I’d hate to hang around making theatre when they’re tired of it.”




 Pina Bausch

“Dance, dance, or we are lost.”




 The more you know, the more informed your performances and decisions are.

Miss Broadhead

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Question Time

Question_time_logoThis week’s edition of Question Time can be found here.

Mr Kydd.

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