Oxbridge talk and law open day


A reminder – if you want to know more about applying to the University of Cambridge, then we have the schools liason officer from King’s College speaking in the Main Hall from 4.00 on Wednesday 5th February. All are welcome, and please let your parents know. 

I have had a letter from the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford, inviting interested students to attend an Open Day in March. Places  are very limited (it might have to be names out of a hat). If you want to know more please see me by the end of the week  – I need to send the form off on Monday.

Mr Kydd.

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Careers Fair

confused-characterThe University for Creative Arts (Surrey)and an IT Consultant have just confirmed that they will be at the fair on Thursday.


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New Exhibitor!

confused-characterPeiwen Tian is a junior software developer for Halarose – the UK electoral software market leader.  She is spending a Year in Industry during her gap year.  If you would like to find out about the Year in Industry programme, information about her job, or her career path then please come along to the fair on Thursday.  She will be in the gym.

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Success in interviews assembly


I thought Mr Cook’s assembly yesterday on what interviewers are looking for was first class. I hope that it will help you when your time comes. Please find a copy of his powerpoint presentation here.

Mr Kydd.

 STOP PRESS – We know that this link is not working at the moment (we just can’t quite work out why). Apologies – we will get it going as soon as possible.

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Sponsored Financial Degree with Deloitte

confused-characterWe have an exhibitor who will be on the RICS stand on Thursday evening who now works for Deloitte.  She will be here to represent the surveying industry but will also have literature and information about the sponsorred degree programme that Deloitte is currently recruiting for.  If this interests you please make sure that you talk with her – she has been here many times and is extremely helpful and informative.

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Year Twelve Briefing notes – For the week starting Monday 27th January


Staff are presently recording your mock results, and we will be looking to get reports to you in early February. This week I want you to focus on two matters.

1. Work – We do not want panic, but you really should be racking up the hours now. Hard work now will reduce stress and tears later. You need to know that you only have about eleven school weeks until study leave. Make sure that any coursework is above your target grade, and please ensure that you are doing on average at least three hours a night outside the classroom. Revision sessions will be starting soon in many subjects. Take advantage on them.

2. Careers. There is a formal assembly on Monday – 1.20 in the Main Hall (this will be the last one of this half term). We have a guest speaker, who has come to talk to us about what to do right (and what to avoid) in an interview. All of you will have interviews in the next  few years, so I hope that this will prove helpful. Also, in the evening on Thursday 30th there is a huge Careers Fair in the Main Hall. It really is extraordinary what Mrs Wooller has organised. For some of you this could be life changing. Please do have a look at the list of exhibitors in the post below this one. Finally on Careers, a bit of advanced warning. If you want to know more about applying to Cambridge, then we have the schools liason officer from King’s College speaking in the Main Hall from 4.00 on Wednesday 5th February. She is happy to take questions afterwards. All welcome – please let your parents know as well.

One last matter. Monday is Holocaust Memorial Day. As such, I thought that the posted poem might be appropriate.

Have a good week.

Mr Kydd.

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Careers Bulletin 240114

confused-characterOver 90 exhibitors from industry, universities ,recruitment, gap year etc will be in school on Thursday 30th January from 6pm – 8.30pm.  Presentations will be made by ; The Police, Chiltern Training (Apprenticeships in Business Administartion & Childcare) who will be interviewing anyone interested on the night !! Also presentations form Raleigh International , National Apprenticeship Service and Adviza.

For more info please click here

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Rising Sixth Evening

thanks_1701385cA huge and sincere thank to all of you who helped out last night – be you guides, speakers, ic/ refreshments or even our excellent pianist.

You made the night, and presented the Sixth Form superbly. Your time really was appreciated.

                                             The Sixth Form team.

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Question Time

Question_time_logoThis week’s edition of Question Time was from Scotland. It focused in part on the referendum vote in the Autumn. Will the UK still exist in 2015 ?The programme can be found here.

Mr Kydd.

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Geography enrichment – something to watch to help you with weather and climate

 ox bow lake

All geographers,
Have a look at the following website.
It is something to watch to help you with the more complex parts of weather and climate, and includes links on the following.
 Mrs Park.
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