Case studies

businessBusiness students,

Please click here for some useful case studies about the uneven nature of the recovery.

Mr Jessop.

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Year Twelve briefing notes for the week starting Monday 10th February


A busy last week before half term please.

Your reports were posted home on Friday. If for any reason yours has not turned up by Tuesday, then please see Mrs Bullion and we can produce another copy for you. It is really important that you study these documents with care, and ask what lessons they contain for you. 

  • Thursday is of course Parents Evening. You should have made your appointments with your teachers by now. Can I stress please that we very much do want you to attend these meetings as well. In addition, this week your mentors will started you post-mocks 1-2-1 meetings.
  • On Monday there is a Student Finance assembly in the Main Hall. This is really aimed at Year Thirteen, however you are very welcome. If you think that the cost of going to university will put you off, then do attend. There are a lot of myths about tutition fees, and as ever we want you to make informed decisions.

Have a good week.

Mr Kydd.

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Careers Bulletin 070214

confused-character   Please click here for the latest Careers news!

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Question Time

Question_time_logoThis week’s edition of Question Time can be found here.

Mr Kydd.

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Year Twelve briefing notes – for the week beginning Monday 3rd February

Have a look at the video above please.

A lot of what has been on this site in the last few weeks has either been about post-mocks analysis or careers (have a look for example at the post on the free pathways to property summer school below this article). These might seem very divergent. In fact, as the video above reflects they are not. Consider the following;

  •  By 38 it is thought that you will have at least ten different jobs.
  • The ten most in demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004.
  • Most of you will do jobs that have not yet been thought of.

We really are living in exponential times. My point is a simple one – in a fast changing world qualifications give you the best chance of having control of your future. In other words, it is all worth it ! Two weeks to half term. Keep going please.

  • It was great to see so many of you at the Careers Fayre on Thursday night. If you see Mrs Wooller please do thank her for a great achievement.
  • No assembly this week.
  • Post mock 1-2-1 meetings should start very soon. Arrange you time with your mentors from Monday.
  • Final reminder – the Cambridge liason officier will be doing a talk in the Main Hall from 4.00 on Wednesday. All welcome.
  • First reminder – Parents Evening is on Thursday 13th February. Appointment sheets are by reception.

 Mr Kydd.

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Pathways to Property summer school

Pathways to propertyAll,

If you are interested in a career in property, then please see the following information from the Henley business school (based at the University of Reading). It is free.

Pathways to Property is a new initiative helping to raise the profile of careers in property and real estate and planning courses at the University of Reading.  The real estate industry employs over 100 000 people in the UK yet very little is known about this exciting sector.

The programme is targeted at Year 12 students in UK state schools and colleges and is completely free to attend.  The programme includes industry talks, a Summer School, work experience and mentoring.

Pathways to Property Summer School

We are now accepting applications to the Summer School taking place on 20-23rd July at the University of Reading. This is a free Summer School with all transport and accommodation costs provided.  Participants will receive an undergraduate mentor and will be able to apply for a work experience placement after the event. We have places for upto 100 students on the programme. 

Students can access further information, see the Summer School videoand apply online at

Mr Kydd.

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Summer school opportunities

Homerton College Summer Schools 2014
Homerton College at the University of Cambridge are running 2 two-night residential courses aimed at high-achieving year 12 students in the maintained sector, who are likely to progress to Russell Group Universities or Oxbridge.
If you want to know more about either of these, then please come and find me. The application form need to come from me, and I will complete it over half term.
 This year’s events will take place on the following dates:
• Monday 28th July – Wednesday 30th July 2014: Sciences Summer School
• Wednesday 30th July – Friday 1st August 2014: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Summer School
Mr Kydd.
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Question Time

Question_time_logoThis week’s edition of Question Time can be found here.

Mr Kydd.

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Workshop Conferences – The University of Nottingham


I have been sent a flyer for workshop conferences. This is now up outside my office. Please note, this is a private company, so there are costs for these sessions. They run from April to July.

Their misson statement suggests, “these course are for students who are 16 years old and over who wish to have the edge in applying to the course and university of their choice. In addition to ensuring  that the right selection of course and university is made, Workshop courses prepare future professionals to be successful in an environment of increased competition for university places.”.

For example, the flyer I have includes courses on;


Exploring Journalism





Veterinary Science.

If you want to know more, click on the website, or see me.

Mr Kydd.

Posted in Careers, Forensics, Journalism, Law, Medicine, summer schools, UCAS | Leave a comment

Free Sixth Form lectures at the University of Royal Holloway

Please find below a list of  free lectures available  to you from the University of Royal Holloway. These are linked to A Level study areas, and give students a taster of university level teaching, in a real university lecture theatre. If students are particularly interested in the topic, or unsure of which courses they may enjoy at university, these are a good opportunity for an initial experience of university life. There will be a chance to ask questions afterwards and meet some current students.
The webpage with further information and booking forms is located here. Students will need to register, and can attend independently. Booking is essential to ensure you receive all the information required.
The lecture series will see each department in the faculty contribute a lecture for Sixth Formers:
In Bed with the Queen- Elizabeth I and the politics of intimacy, 1558-1603
Date TBC- enquire for further details
‘I shall chop her into messes’: Dissecting the Body in Shakespearean Drama
Tuesday 4 February
Drama & Theatre
‘Why Do We Laugh? Theories of Comedy’
Tuesday 11th February
Epic, Memory, Mortality… and Rap
Wednesday 5 March
Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos
Tuesday 11 March
Media Arts
‘What Sound Does the Moon Make? The significance of sound for virtual objects’
Tuesday 18th March
The 2014 elections to the European Parliament and what the European Parliament does
Wednesday 19 March
The philosophical significance of Socrates
Wednesday 19 March
Modern Languages
Telling War Stories Then and Now: The First World War in France and Germany
Tuesday 25 March
If you want to know more please come and find me.
Mr Kydd.
Posted in Drama, Eng lang, Eng Lit, History, Media and Film Studies, Music, Philosophy, UCAS | Leave a comment