History enrichment – Niall Ferguson – The Pity of War

Niall Ferguson presents The Pity of WarAll,

Year Thirteen historians will, in their Russian dictatorships course, soon be considering turning points in history. In particular, you will investigate war – to quote Trotsky – as the locomotive of change. If you click here you can watch Niall Ferguson discuss the British decision to go to war in 1914.  It is a great opportunity to see a current historian in action.

The programme description reads as follows.

Was the Great War a great mistake? In this innovative programme, Harvard historian Professor Niall Ferguson offers a different perspective on the First World War and argues that Britain’s decision to enter the war was a tragic mistake.

The First World War was one of the great turning points of modern history. We know where the war started: in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo on 28 June 1914, when a Bosnian Serb named Gavrilo Princip murdered the heir to the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy. But how and why did this crisis in the Balkans escalate into a bloody global conflagration? Did Britain really have to fight a war against Germany?

Niall Ferguson links cutting-edge graphics and short illustrative stories to place the First World War into the context of human history. He then argues that much of the responsibility for the scale of the conflict lies with the British and suggests that Britain’s decision to enter the war in 1914 was not merely tragic for those who lost their lives, it was also a catastrophic error that unleashed an era of totalitarianism and genocide around the world. At the same time, the war revealed a fundamental truth about humankind’s propensity for violence.

At the end of the programme these contentious issues are debated by leading WW1 experts and the studio audience.

If this interests you, then you should visit this BBC page which lists what other programmes are available on TV and radio.

Mr Kydd.

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This week’s edition of Question Time


This week’s edition of Question Time can be found here.

Mr Kydd.

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AS Media and Film – Pinterest Boards

mediaheadAll Media and Film students,

The following Pinterest boards will help you with our present work.


AS Media

AS Film

I hope that they are helpful.
Miss Wilkinson.
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Dental Care Professions

confused-characterIf you are thinking of being a dentist click here to find out about the different specialisms which exist along with training and expected salary

If would like to find out about the many other  different professional roles in dentistry then please click here

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Careers Bulletin 280214


Please do read this edition – there is so much information and relevant employment news inside – not least details of a local part time job! Don’t loose out simply click here !!!!

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Year Twelve briefing notes for the week beginning Monday 24th February


Welcome back – I hope that you had a productive and restful half term. To confirm, it is Week Two, and there is no assembly for the next two weeks because of Year Ten examinations. It is an obvious point, but please do hit the ground running. Time is now very short.

Finally for this week, events in the Ukraine are both confusing and potentially very far reaching for Russia and indeed all of Europe. If you want to know more, then please click on this excellent BBC page. It gives you the timeline of events, highlights the key individuals and explains what is driving the street protests.

Mr Kydd.

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Parents’ Evening and Half Term


It was excellent to see so many of you at Parents Evening as requested last night. It felt like there were a lot of very constructive conversations being undertaken.

A few points for today please.

  •  Can you let me know by the end of break if you wish to be considered for one of the Homerton College Cambridge Summer Schools.
  • Please ensure today that you have all the materials that you need to work effectively over half term. Take the opportunity to discuss your work plan with your teachers in your lessons. If you are doing applied courses, then you should be aiming to ensure that your coursework is at least one grade above your target grade. If you are doing traditional A levels, then please use your PLCs to organise your notes and start revision in a logical and organised way. Try to ensure that there is plenty of assessed work next week.

Obviously the most effective time to work is in the morning, and given that  when we come back, there are just under 10 school weeks  until study leave it is important to use the forthcoming week to catch up or get ahead.

Have a good break (and work hard).

Mr Kydd.

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Question Time

Question_time_logoThis week’s edition of Question Time can be found here.

Mr Kydd

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Morrisby tests


If you are still in the position where you do not know what you are going to do post-Little Heath  then there may be an opportunity for you to get a Morrisby test. These are profiling questionnaires that help people identify, plan and realise their future careers.Funding is not finalised for yet, but they are worth think about – particularly now you have a better idea of what qualifications you will be leaving school with.

If you are interested, then come and see me.

Mr Kydd.

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Finance – Get In and Get On – Virtual Work Experience


If you are interested in a career in finance, you really should look at the excellent www.directions.org.uk website.


What is this scheme?

In this scheme sixth formers receive a presentation about careers in business and finance from a current undergraduate. Then a proportion of these pupils are additionally offered work experience. This work experience is with one of 15 top financial companies. The Year 12s do not visit the offices in person instead they do the learning online and are allocated a personal mentor from that company – this is called virtual work experience (VWE).

Which companies are involved?

The following companies are providing mentors for the scheme and have been involved in planning the learning units. RSA, HSBC, Nationwide, Catlin, KPMG, Sesame Bankhall, Siemans, RBS, Nationwide, IFDS, Grant Thornton, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, M & G, Co funds. Some of these companies are now considering using this scheme as a way in to filtering applications for their own office based work experience schemes i.e successful completion of this VWE would put student in pole position to secure an office based placement with them.

 Who is the scheme for?

It is for Year 12 students. It is targeted at students who are interested in considering progression and careers in the financial and accountancy sector. However, in line with recruitment into the industry they do not need, for example to be taking business at the moment. Students could be from a subject specific group e.g. Taking business studies at A Level or taking specific subjects considered as numerate subjects by the industry e.g. maths or economics. They could also be doing subjects such as geography, psychology or history. The key thing is that you should be expressing an interest in finding out more about opportunities in the finance sector.  

If you want to know more, please come and see me.

Mr Kydd.



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