Which University

imagesWhich University have posted new advice on the UCAS process, how to choose a uni and study advice tips.  Always worth browsing this site: http://university.which.co.uk/

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Pathways to Properties Summer School at Reading Uni – deadline for applications extended

_73714547_3363667[1]Extended the deadline for the Year 12 Pathways to Property Summer School (20-23rd July at the University of Reading) to 31 May to allow further time for students to make applications to the programme.  Students can apply online at www.reading.ac.uk/pathways-to-property  

The programme is free to attend with all activity costs, accommodation and travel provided.  

Students do not need to be studying specific subjects to apply. Students who are studying Business Studies, Geography, Economics and Maths will find the programme particularly relevant. 

As part of the programme students will be matched with an undergraduate mentor from the University of Reading.  There will also be an opportunity to apply for a week’s work experience placement and a bursary of £200 is provided to each student to cover travel and subsistence costs. This year we were able to offer 20 students a placement opportunity in firms including Savills, Knight Frank, The Crown Estate and British Land.


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Year Twelve briefing notes – For the week starting Monday 28th April


It seems to have been a very calm and purposeful start to term – so many thanks. Obviously your challenge is to get the most out of the remaining ten school days before study leave starts. Again, can I stress to you the importance of honesty in your work. This means;

  • Make sure that you are diving up your time evenly between your subjects.
  • Make sure that you are working effectively in and out of school – divide your time up appropriately.
  • Make sure that you are putting a light onto any gaps in your notes or understanding.

Remember that your teachers and your mentor will help you in any way that they can.

Finally for now, there will be a formall assembly on Monday with the Head. 1.20 in the Main Hall.

Mr Kydd.

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Careers Bulletin 250414

confused-characterThis weeks Bulletin includes amongst other things,news of a presentation on Monday by an ex student – Ethan Harris as well as information about summer schools and a veterinary open day locally! Please look here if you are interested.

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Year Twelve – Welcome Back

tsd-logoJust a quick post to say welcome back. I hope that you have both rested and worked hard over the break.

Perhaps the most useful point I can make to you now is – we come back to Week Two ! beyond that two points please.

1. This run in time in so precious. Calmly and carefully work through your revision and the challenges ahead. It will make a difference. If you are worried about your subjects – speak to your teachers, and if you are feeling the stress, then please speak to your mentors.

2. If you are interested in humanities at university, then please click here for the programme for an A Level conference at St David’s. It is on 20th / 21st June, and I have included the flyer information below.

This will be a fantastic opportunity for students to discover more about the range of humanities subjects available at University, as well as getting a real taste of student life by staying on campus and experiencing a range of student activities. The Conference draws upon a range of experts and subject specialists we have at Trinity Saint David offering a stimulating and valuable day of learning for your students. Many of the teaching sessions aim to reinforce and enhance subjects already studied by your students at AS/A Level, and have been specifically mapped across the existing curriculum. Other topics fall outside the curriculum but are included to offer students the opportunity to explore a new subject or field, and to gain some insight into what learning at University is like.

• Hear from subject specialists

• Meet University lecturers and students

• Experience University life with an overnight stay in our student accommodation

• Student pack including lecture notes and presentations for all sessions

• Breakfast, lunch, dinner and refreshments will be provided.

Come and see me if you want to apply.

Work hard.

Mr Kydd.

Posted in Geography, History, Philosophy, Politics, UCAS, year twelve | Leave a comment

Careers: opportunity for A level leavers with a science qualification

Exclaimation mark - YellowModelez International are looking to recruit an A level leaver for their apprenticeship programme.  The successful candidates will join Mondelēz International at their Reading Science centre on a 2 year training programme, rotating between our range of Scientific laboratories to learn and carry out lab work whilst taking day release to attend further education studies in a relevant science qualification. This, combined with the work based learning, will help you obtain the nationally recognised award of Registered Science Technician (RSciTech). 

This looks like a fantastic opportunity.  Read more Reading%20Trainee%20Scientist%20Advert%20Direct[1]

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Year Twelve and Thirteen briefing notes – For the week starting Monday 31st March




There will be a formal assembly for both Year Twelve and Year Thirteen on Monday at 1.20.

Please find attached here an electronic version of the revision timetable that you will be given in that session. For some of you this might be the first time that you have had to revise on this scale. Not knowing how to revise can be overwhelming. There is plenty of advice out there, but the truth is that everyone learns (and thus revises) in different ways. The list below contains tips and questions that have helped Little Heath students in the past. The most helpful thing that we can say to you is read it, and ask yourself honestly what applies to you.  

  •  A regular routine is of course best. Try to keep to school hours where possible. Many students find that they are able to concentrate better in the morning. Make sure that you are getting to bed at a sensible hour, and don’t work through the night. You need to live pretty cleanly in the next few months if you are going to do your best. Eat well and take regular exercise – it is the best way to get rid of the stress. Ensure that you include sensible break times during the day, these are important to help you unwind and to make sure you don’t burn yourself out.


  • As you revise make sure that you are writing down what topics and areas you are struggling with and show this list to your teachers at the start of the summer term. This will help them help you. Remember the more specific the question you ask, the more focused the answer that you will get back.


  • Always attend teacher-led revision. This is very effective use of your time, and will often focus on examination techniques.


  • Divide your time up equally between your subjects. Do not leave your most difficult subjects until the end of the day. Instead, try to get these out of the way early on. You should be undertaking at least 5 hours a day over the Easter holidays.


  • Do you know what the examiners are looking for, or are you just learning “stuff”. If it is the latter, then you need to talk to your teachers.


  • What system of testing are you creating for yourself ? How do you know that you are learning ?


  •  Never just read your notes.  You must always be DOING something with them to FIX the information in your brain.  


  • MIX THE INPUTS – eg: Walk around while you try to revise your notes / make your notes into diagrams or mind-maps / write down your notes on postcards. See what works for you. Have you tried notes on notes on notes ? This means making a paraphrase of your notes, then a paraphrase of the paraphrase, and so on, until you have compressed your notes into 6-8 cryptic headings/words. Not only are these easy to learn, but by writing and re-writing the words you have helped to embed them in your brain.

Exam_StressFinally, there will be a meeting on Tuesday at 1.20 in S3 for those of you worried about examination stress. We will text those of you who have made yourself known to us, but all are welcome.

Mr Kydd, Mr Hand and Ms Vignali.

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Question Time

Question_time_logoThis week’s edition of Question Time can be found here.

Mr Kydd.

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PPE at Oxford – taster day 4th May

OxfordIf you want to know more about PPE at the St Anne’s College, Oxford, then please click here for the flyer.

Come and see me if you wish to be considered.

Mr Kydd.

Posted in Announcements, Economics, Oxbridge, Philosophy, Politics | Leave a comment

Year Twelve briefing notes – for the week beginning Monday 24th March


A few points for this week please.

1. There will be a formal assembly in the Main Hall at 1.20 on Monday.

2. Please  have a look at the posts below. There is a lot of useful UCAS and careers information there. Please also take note of the Higher Education Conference information in last week’s post.

3. We are now two weeks from the Easter break. You really should be at full speed with  your work. Please ensure that you have complete notes revision materials to work from. You should use your PLCs to help you here.

Have a good week and work hard,

Mr Kydd.

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