The Real Tudors: Kings and Queens Rediscovered.

The Real Tudors: Kings and Queens Rediscovered. An amazing opportunity for Tudor fans (especially those studying Elizabethan history!) A free exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery! Amazing portraits plus a prized possession of each monarch!
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Need Help Writing a Decent Essay?

Here is a link to an online guide on how to write a decent essay:

Posted in EPQ, General Enrichment, Oxbridge, Russell Group, Uncategorized, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Interested in Animal Welfare and Veterinary Science

The Royal Veterinary College tours the UK to inspire the next generation

The RVC on Tour is a perfect opportunity for students who are interested in a career improving animal health and welfare. Each RVC on Tour event will focus on our four undergraduate programmes: Bioveterinary/ Biological Sciences (Society of Biology Recognised), Veterinary Medicine (UK/EU/US Accredited) & Veterinary Nursing (UK Accredited), to demonstrate that becoming a Veterinarian is just one of the many opportunities within the Veterinary Profession. All guests attending will have the opportunity to take part in interactive practical activities from our state-of-the-art Clinical Skills Centre such as; bandaging, gowning, gloving, attempting a one-handed surgical tie and demonstrating your sense of touch on our state-of-the-art haptic laptop. It’s also a terrific opportunity for prospective students/parents/teachers to talk with RVC staff/students/Graduates to gain a realistic overview of life in the veterinary world and what life is like as a student at the Royal Veterinary College. Please see below to find out if we’re visiting an area near you:

Each session is open to secondary school students, parents/guardians, teachers and careers advisors. Booking is essential in order to attend and can be completed at:

These events are run free of charge.

Posted in Applied Science, Chemistry, Physics, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Interested in Gaining Medical Experience?

Helping potential healthcare students to stand out with their UCAS applications

It is a fact that students who are interested in pursuing a career as a doctor, nurse, midwife or dentist, need to ensure that they have something in their university application that makes them stand out from the rest.
Of course they can talk about their interest in medicine, their desire to help humanity, and the rest. But most applicants do this.  There needs to be something more.
And the best “something more”, the ideal way to make an application stand out, is to include as much work experience as possible and show a commitment to learning.
This then naturally generates extra talking points for the interview, as this type of experience is an ideal way to demonstrate their commitment and desire to a career as a doctor, nurse, midwife or dentist.
It is with all this in mind that we have built our work experience placements for students aged between 16-25 and interested in a medical career. We currently are offering students the opportunity to travel to Tanzania during the October half term break to witness firsthand the work of the medical professionals in various departments.
During the October half term we have spaces available for the week:
  • 26th October – 1st November
Students are assigned their own mentor and will attend three global health tutorials a week, run by local doctors and healthcare professionals. These tutorials will help them to have a deeper understanding of healthcare, including socio-economic factors that effect treatment within the country.
If you have students this year who are interested in a career in medicine, please ask them to take a look at our website. Alternatively they can call us on 0191 230 8080 or email us at and we’ll send them a brochure in the post.
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w/b 15th September

what-next1There is an assembly for today for Year 12 at 1.20 in the main hall.

Year 13, your assembly is being moved to Wednesday this week (17th September), at 1.20 in the main hall.  It is an important assembly on UCAS and the application process.  If you are not going to uni, then you do not need to attend.

Can we remind all of you that if you have a medical appointment etc. you must fill in a form that you can get from Mrs Bullion or Mrs Bell in the office.  You can’t just use the signing out book. This book is only a register for fire purposes if you are in school, but not in a lesson.  So if you come in early, or stay to work during a study period, you sign in/out.

EPQ lessons start this week.  You should have been texted to come and pick up your timetable

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Careers Bulletin 120914


This years first edition of the Careers Bulletin is here along with the current Apprenticeships being advertised locally as at the 9th September 2014

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Year 12 Students

Headstart is a scheme operated by EDT( Engineering Developmenmt Trust) they are offering free week long summer school placements at various universities.  There is a choice of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths subjects where you can experience what studying that course would be like.  It provides a great opportunity to chat to university staff and peers about options and will help students to make  more informed decisions.  Having a Head start experience also adds value to any UCAS application.
These places are limited and are snapped up very quickly so please apply on line NOW for 2015 courses:
For more details or information please pop up to Careers and see Eileen Wooller
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W/b 8.9.14

Exclaimation mark - YellowNo assembly for Year 12 today.

Year 13, there is a brief assembly tomorrow for any of you who are definitely NOT applying for uni this year – (main hall, 1.20), or if you want to keep your options open and may be thinking about employment/training instead.

Please make sure that you stick to your mentor meeting times because your mentors need to know your application plans so that they can start doing your reference.  If they don’t see you, then they can’t do a reference.

Your subject teachers should have written their references for you by 26th September.  It is important that you talk to them about predicted grades.  It is especially important that you speak to them if you are applying for a course in their subject.

Mr Hand

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Welcome back Year 13, hello Year 12.

littleheathYear 13 should come in for 8.50 on Wednesday 3rd September and you will go to your mentor groups where you will get your timetables etc.  Your mentor rooms will be on a board in the Upper 6th Common Room.  Lessons start at 10.00.  Assembly in main hall at 1.20.

Year 12 should arrive from 1.45.  Go to the Lower 6th Common Room to find out who and where your mentor is.  You will meet them at 2.05, and get your timetables.  This is followed by assembly in the main hall at 2.25.  Your lessons will start on Thursday.

Mr Hand


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birminghamWell done!

If, however, you need to go through clearing, this is a useful guide from Which!

Mr Hand

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