Reading Youth Cabinet Elections


This year we have three year 12 students that need your vote!   They are Mark Boyer, Sasha Green and Zara Mansur.  If you vote them in, they will be your voice and help young people have a voice in important aspects within the local community.  If you vote them in, they can make changes that you want to see happen!

There is a ballot box outside the sixth form reception, loads of ballot papers, simply put an X for who you want to vote for!  You are only allowed one vote, so make it count!

Votes must be placed in the box by the end of the day on Friday!


Posted in Announcements, General Enrichment, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

w/b 9th December

WP_20141208_004Welcome back after a temporary technical fault.

First thing to say is well done to Year 13 for another excellent OAP party.  You were brilliant at mingling and helping our guests have a really enjoyable afternoon.  See pictures below.

Year 13, please, please, please get your UCAS applications done this week, see your mentors for your reference and get them sent before Christmas.  Time is running out and you are only back for 4 days after Christmas before study leave.  Don’t assume your ref will be done by Santa’s Elves over Christmas…

Both years, remember you have important Pre Public Exams  from 12th January.  Your timetables will be issued soon.  You will also be given times to come in for non exam subjects so that you can work on coursework.

Next week the Year 13s have an important assembly on road safety on Wednesday and there will be the annual Christmas Assembly for both years on Friday.

Please also find a download of Sixth Form News by clicking on the following link

SFN December 1st Issue 2

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Posted in Announcements, UCAS, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Question Time

Question_time_logoThis week’s edition of Question Time can be found here.

Next week’s looks like a cracker with Farage vs Brand amidst the good folk of Kent in Canterbury10.30 Thursday!  Pilgrims all!


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Week beginning 1.12.14

braggPlease get those UCAS applications done by the end of the week so that references can get done.  Time is running out for pre-Christmas applications.

Year 13: remember that it’s the OAP party next week on MondayAll of you must attend.  It is a great event and the local community love and appreciate your interaction with them.  Please check what you need to bring in food wise.  Dress smartly on the day.

Year 12: well done on an excellent media trip on Friday.  Please see the pictures.  During the trip the question was asked ‘Will we see any celebrities?’ But we already had – Melvyn Bragg, broadcasting legend (pictured).  He waved at us!

Please remember to bring in chocolates for the OAP party Year 12.  We are still a little bit short.

On Friday at about 2 o’clock, we will need to move all the tables from the common rooms to the hall, so if you are around, please help.

WP_20141128_002WP_20141128_005WP_20141128_006untitledStudents on the BBC trip – and another picture of Melvyn Bragg – broadcasting legend

Posted in Announcements, Media and Film Studies, UCAS, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

The Great LHS 6th Form Bake Off


Welcome to the launch of the great LHS Bake Off competition for 2014!

  • Do you want to be crowned LHS Baker of the Year?
  •  1st Prize – £25 Oracle Voucher, 2nd Prize – £15 Oracle Voucher, 3rd Prize – £10 Oracle Voucher

Open to all 6th form students, you can bake any cake/muffin/brownie you like.  The bake needs to be big enough to serve 6 portions.  Entrants must be handed to Mrs Bell by 10am on Tuesday 16th December. Judging will take place during Tuesday 16th December and the results will be announced on Wednesday 17th December. Judges views are final.

Posted in Announcements, General Enrichment, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Week starting 24th November

malc xNo assemblies now for a while as the hall is being used for Year 11 exams.

Please make sure you keep those UCAS applications coming in and that you liaise with your mentor to let them know where you are.  Offers are coming in thick and fast to those of you who have already sent applications off.

Congratulations to Jonah and Alex whose barber shop fund raising achieved the princely sum of £276.  The total of the day will be announced later in the week by Mr Linz.

This might be of interest to historians, debaters, followers of politics, potential law students:

A tutor from Pembroke College will be speaking about the talk Malcolm X gave at the Oxford Union.  Of interest to those studying American Civil Rights or more generally interested in History. Please see the attached flyer and summary below. Places can be booked online.  Click on link below for more info:


Posted in Announcements, Debating, EPQ, General Enrichment, History, Journalism, Law, Oxbridge, Philosophy, Politics, Russell Group, Rwanda, UCAS, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Careers Bulletin 21/11/14

confused-characterPlease take the time to read the Careers Bulletin attached here as there are many deadlines approaching that you need to be aware of , along with a brief focus on what it is like to work as an IT Business Analyst – please click here

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You need to read this article

cruise1_3107218bThis article:  If you’re under 30, bad luck. You’re screwed is a must read for your generation.  It gives a compelling argument as to why it’s so important you lot should vote in greater numbers before it’s too late.  Apocalyptic?  Maybe.  Make your own mind up.

Posted in Announcements, Debating, EPQ, General Enrichment, Russell Group, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Careers in Business

confused-characterOn Thursday 20th November at 2pm in the Conference room we have representatives from BDO in school.  Please come along and listen to the various routes of entry including school leaver and graduate.  The presentation will be short with Q & A at the end.  It is worth listening to this firm , even if you came to the EY presentation last week this will allow you to compare what they are both  offering.

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Ernst & Young – Insight Evening tonight!

confused-character EY are having an insight evening tonight from 5pm – 7pm at their offices in Reading – Apex Plaza, Forbury Road.  If you want to go along you can just turn up without registering as  there are a couple of places left.  Just mention you are from LHS. They offer a fantastic school leaver programme, internships, graduate entry etc – well worth investigating if you are interested in a career in finance.

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