Residential Courses at University of Surrey

The University of Surrey are offering residential courses for year 12 students to sample life at a top university this summer.  They are offering courses in the following:

  • Engineering
  • Physical Sciences
  • Business
  • Law
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Bio-medical Sciences
  • Sports & Nutritional Sciences
  • Veterinary Science
  • Nursing and Midwifery
  • Operating Department Practice
  • Paramedic Practice

The courses are free but their selection criteria is as follows:

  • Students from families where the main wage earners are in non-professional occupations
  • Students who are from families where there is no parental experience of Higher Education
  • Students who are a Looked After Child
  • Students with a disability
  • Students who are young carers

If you’re interested and fit the criteria, then please come and speak to Mr J. The deadline for applications is Friday 8th May.

Posted in Announcements, Applied Science, Business, Careers, Chemistry, Engineering, Forensics, Health and Social Care, Law, Medicine, Physical Education, summer schools, Taster Days, UCAS, year twelve | Leave a comment

Careers Bulletin 020415

confused-characterThis weeks edition kicks off with the Prudential Apprenticeship Programme which opened yesterday and closes at the end of the month – they are looking for a total of 40 young apprentices. Please click here hope you find the information useful.

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Revision over Easter!

bunnyPlease find here a digital copy of the ‘limited edition’ revision timetable which ran out yesterday, forcing a reprint, such was the demand.  There are therefore some ‘analogue’ copies available in the front office.  You can, of course, adapt this for term time and the summer exam period.

Easter Revision Timetable[1]

Just to sum up the main points about revision from yesterday’s assembly:

  • Start with an audit of PLCs and notes.  Pinpoint what you don’t know/are unsure of and focus on this.  No point revising stuff you do know.
  • ‘Plug in’ the dates in the timetable when you know you have commitments with family or work or sessions in school.
  • Then start populating your timetable with the things you need to do.  Use your exam timetable as a way of structuring your revision as well.
  • Do small chunks of timed pieces, not whole papers (unless you’re on a roll).  It’s better to work out how much time you’ll get in the exam for each section and do bite size chunks instead of trying to do the whole thing.
  • Get into good habits with regular hours of sleeping, healthy eating (and drinking!) and some exercise.  Get the patterns established now so that you’re preparing for the summer.

In addition, here is a copy of the AS and A2 Revision Sessions (which were also sent home via In Touch), many of which start over Easter:

As and A2 revision for Spring 2015 (2)

Please also find here the latest edition of 6th Form News:

SFN 2nd April Issue 9

Work hard, but make sure you get some rest too and enjoy the break.


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AS Maths Revision Day

Please see attached form for more details!  Be a great day of revision for all Maths students!

More information on this link FMSP_AS Revision_Easter_poster_2015v2.

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Register to Vote!

voteEven if you are 18 and still live at home, YOU have to register to vote by 20th APRIL!

This is the link: registertovote.  It will  take you 5 minutes and you’ll need your national insurance number.

This new registration system is leading to lots of young voters NOT registering and therefore losing their right to vote.  This will mean that you can’t moan when whoever gets in next time IGNORES YOU and makes policies that are aimed at old people (who do vote – about 75% of age 60+ vote compared to a paltry 44% of 18 – 24 year olds!)

Here’s an article with some frightening stats on the decline in voter numbers – especially 18 year olds!

Frightening article!

We do have to try and make these people accountable.  Voting is a way of trying to do this.




Posted in Announcements, Community Service, Debating, General Enrichment, History, Law, Oxbridge, Philosophy, Politics, Russell Group, Year 13, year twelve | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

IT Apprenticeships


QA – the largest IT training provider in the country will be in school this Thursday at 2pm in T18 .  They have an office base in Reading

If you are considering a career in IT at any level please do come along and listen to what they are offering.

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23rd March – 6th Form News

newsletterNo assemblies this week but there will be an important joint assembly next week.

You should have received your exam timetables in the post – one copy for you, one for parents.  Please check them again carefully.  It is also a useful document around which you can start planning your exam revision.

Please click here for the latest edition of 6th Form News: SFN 20 March Issue 8

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Careers Bulletin – 200315


Thank you for supporting the Careers Fair last week – hope that you found it helpful.


This week there are so many opportunities being advertised ranging from apprenticeships with the BBC, Microsoft, CCFE , Lang ORourke, Network Rail, KPMG etc

There are Gap Year opportunities and articles of interest relating to law, jewellery design and taster sessions at Reading University. Please take the time to at least glance through ASAP as many of these schemes have very fast closing dates. Please click here to view.

Thank you

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Year 12 Decisions!

Career-path-banking-388x215Its about this time of year that all year 12’s (possibly some year 13’s) should be considering their futures and beginning to investigate what they can do after sixth form.  Below are a number of useful websites that can help you consider your options.


You should all have your own log in by now but if you don’t then speak to Mr Jessop who will be able to provide you with one.  Unifrog is an easy to use online programme that can help you do the ground work when searching for universities and/or apprenticeships.

Thinking about University:

This website has a calendar that details all university open days.  It is important that you visit the universities that your interested in to ensure that you like what you see and like the town/city they are in.  The open days will enable you to see the university in operation and the facilities it has.  Here is the calendar page which shows all open days. You should try to go to the open days in June and July to help you make your decision over the summer.

This website details the application process, university and course information.

Not thinking about University:

This website details other options available to students leaving after 6th form. You never know it may get you thinking about all sorts of possibilities from gap years to sponsored degrees!

This website tells you all you need to know about apprenticeships, how to apply, whats involved and would be good to use in conjunction with Unifrog.

If you have any questions then please come and speak to Mr J or another member of the 6th form team.

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Considering Medicine?

There is a two day course for any student who is considering a career in medicine.  The course will be at The Downs School on Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd July 2015.

They are aimed at students in year 10, 11, 12 & 13 who are thinking of studying medicine and will cover everything from personal statements and work experience to interviews and ethical discussions. It will cost £80 for both days. For more information and to book a place, this can be found on my website at

Here is a poster with more information – MedEC event – Berkshire 2015

Posted in Announcements, Careers, Medicine, summer schools, Taster Days, UCAS, Uncategorized, Work experience, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment