Debate Chamber Summer Schools


The Debate Chamber Summer Schools, now in their eleventh year, offer students age 11-18 the opportunity to find out more about some fascinating subjects, prepare for university applications, meet like-minded peers and get to grips with some tough intellectual challenges.

The material will be challenging (for the older age-group, about the level of difficulty one might expect in the first year at university), but the atmosphere will be relaxed, with plenty of discussion, debate, and opportunities for students to shape the direction of classes. It is an environment conducive to getting to grips with new ideas.

Working in small groups (usually around 14 students per group) over several days offers participants a real chance to get to know tutors and fellow students and to explore the topics or questions that particularly interest them.

Highlights of Summer 2016:

The Medicine Summer School for students aged 15-18 comprises a series of two-day events with specialist sessions on cardiology, paediatrics, oncology, emergency medicine and many other topics – enabling students to attend a wide-ranging introduction or select the sessions most relevant to their interests.

The Summer Law School for 15-18s, now in three 5-day blocks to allow time for more cases, more analysis and more debate on some of the most intriguing legal questions. Students can choose to focus on Criminal, Civil or International Law, or attend all three Parts for a comprehensive introduction to legal study.

For those interested in the Humanities, we have Summer Schools in Economics, International Relations, History, and Politics, while Arts enthusiasts should check out the English Literature, Classical Civilisations, Art History, or Philosophy Summer Schools (all for students aged 15-18).

Last but not least, the Maths and Physics Summer Schools will offer some challenging and exciting further study for those who will have completed Maths AS level or equivalent by Summer 2016.

Practical Details:

All the Summer School events will be held at University of London venues in Bloomsbury, Central London, and will take place in July and August 2016. Please note that these courses are not residential, and accommodation must be arranged independently if required.

You can find full details of schedules, dates, costs, student reviews and tutors at

There is a limited amount of bursary funding available for students who would otherwise have financial difficulty in attending – please see our website for details.

To book a place please visit, call us on 0845 519 4827, or email Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

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Careers Bulletin 13 November 2015

confused-characterThis weeks edition highlights the role of a project musician and advertises a few companies who are actively recruiting between now and January for school leaver programmes along with details of M & S part time Christmas vacancies! Please click here

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The best enrichment ever…

09fb98cc65cd024b02f0f7899678a426Click here to explore the British Museum with Google, it’s claim to have “2 million years of history at your fingertips” is no idle boast. You can find everything from the Rosetta Stone, to the Sutton Hoo helmet to Egyptian mummies.

Hopefully an online journey would encourage you to spend an afternoon there. It is free, and has many special exhibitions.

The main British Museum webpage can be found here

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w/b 16th November

psycho 2Busy week coming up!

On Monday it is Safe Drive for Year 12.  Meet outside old 6th Form Block at 12.20

Wednesday is Meet the Mentor Evening for Year 12 students and parents.  This is in the new 6th Form Centre from 4.30.

On Thursday it is Presentation Evening where current Year 12s receive their GCSE certificates.

Year 13 should have submitted their UCAS applications so that references can be added before being sent off to universities.  Get this done soon!  Don’t leave it until after Christmas.

Coming soon – 6th Form Film Club.  The image at the top of this post is taken from the first film we will be showing.  The types of films that we will be putting on are those films which you’ve probably heard of, but never seen.  The classics.  It will be for the discerning viewer.  More details to follow, but the first screening is pencilled in for Thursday 3rd December at 3.45 in the cinema room of the new 6th Form Centre.

Posted in Announcements, FIlm Club, General Enrichment, UCAS, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Chemical Engineering Presentation Today!


John McCandles from AWE will be speaking in C10 period 5 today on what being a Chemical Engineer entails, routes in, entry requirements , prospects and will take any questions at the end.

All are welcome to attend


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UCAS Application Deadline

ucasThe schools UCAS application deadline is Friday 13th November.  You must have ensured that you have spoken to your mentor, agreed your personal statement and completed your application by this date.  If you are able to do this then we guarantee that your application will be sent to UCAS by Christmas at the very latest.  This therefore means that you do not need to worry about your application before/during your PPE’s.

Many students who have already sent their applications have received offers from Universities.  Make sure you put yourself in the pot to be considered!

Any problems or issues speak to your mentor or see Mr J 🙂

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Careers Bulletin 6 November 2015

confused-characterPlease do make time to read this weeks edition as some events are happening over this weekend.  Hope you find this useful, please click here

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Photos of new 6th form centre

We are super excited about moving to the new 6th form centre and hope you are too.  There is still a lot to do but it is moving on very quickly.  We are looking forward to welcoming all the students on Monday 2nd November.  The pictures below show the quiet study area, library, cafe, common room, media room, cinema room, ICT classroom and a normal classroom with teacher wall.  Have a great time and see you in just over a week in our new building!20151023_111952 20151023_112100 20151023_112134 20151023_112156 20151023_112209 20151023_112257 20151023_112310 20151023_112323 20151023_112349 20151023_112411

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Careers Bulletin 161015

confused-characterHere is this weeks issue of the Careers Bulletin, the job spotlight today is “Event Management”


Please click here

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w/b 19th October

autumnNo assemblies today or tomorrow, but there will be a joint Year 12 and 13 assembly on Thursday at 11.20 in the main hall about the new 6th Form Centre.  You will have to miss the start of period 3.

Year 12 Introductory Reports will be going home this week as well as letters to those whose attendance has fallen below 90%.  This can have the effect of lowering your results by a grade…

If you put your name down for the Oxford Brookes Taster Day, don’t panic if you haven’t heard anything.  They will contact us nearer the time with more details.  Event is in January.  17 have signed up.  We can have up to 50, so please let me know if you want to go.

A reminder to Year 12s that the signing in and out book is only for Year 13 who have home study.  It is not a late book or signing out if unwell.  You need to see a member of the 6th Form team to be signed out ill.  Year 12s will be able to apply for home study rights at the end of next half term, but will only be eligible if attendance and reports are good.  This includes attendance at am and pm registration.

Reminder: INSET day on Friday, so don’t come in.  We are back on the Monday straight after half term – 2nd November.

More information is available here in the OCTOBER 19th edition of 6th Form News.

Have a restful half term, but make sure you do some productive work too.

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