Week beginning 25th Jan

auschPPE exam results will start appearing this week.  You need to reflect on what you need to do to improve.

Looking at the calendar, there are only 11 and a half school weeks until Year 12 go on study leave (and not much longer for Year 13).  Time is running out.  Be proactive.  Use the facilities and time that you’ve got wisely.  The common room is for quiet study, not just socialising and chat.

If you are interested in the trip to Auschwitz, then I need a letter of application by the end of this week, as per my announcement in assembly and my former post on this site.  This is the link again:


Reports for both years will be sent home week beginning 8th Feb.  Parents’ evening is 25th Feb, first week after half term.

No assembly this week.


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Careers Bulletin 220116

confused-characterThe job spotlight this week is all about working back stage at a gig – quite interesting!

Lots of companies again recruiting now for September starts and bursaries available at Reading University for degrees relating to property – only some of the topics in this weeks edition available to read here

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Careers Bulletin 150116


Here is the latest Careers news:

Careers Bulletin.15 January 2016

Highlights this week include a visit from two AWE young apprentices on Tuesday 19 January  to encourage and help any student wishing to apply for the AWE apprenticeship programme.  Also information on:

  • Financial Scholarships
  • Finance and Business School Leaver Programmes
  • Young Investment Banker Programme
  • Apprenticeships in Construction

This weeks spotlight is on law” Seven skills that will land you work experience at a law firm”

Hope you find something of interest.

Kind regards

Eileen Wooller

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Revised Guidelines on Alcohol Consumption

bg_beerPlease see the link below which details the new guidelines for sensible alcohol consumption.  The advice has changed recently and there are now lower weekly consumption units.


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Week Beginning 11th Jan

auschAssembly today in main hall for both years at 1.20

One of the key messages is about how you need to develop your profile by doing more than just your subjects.  Loads more Future Learn courses are coming on line all the time.  Follow the link on the right.  Sign up for one.  Keep your eye on the work experience opportunities which get posted.  Go to the next Film Club.  Go on some open days like the Oxford Brookes Experience.  Make yourselves a bit more interesting.  Also watch this space for the reappearance of Fight Club.

And here’s a great opportunity.  We have been allocated 2 places on a trip called Lessons from Auschwitz organised by the Holocaust Educational Trust.  Many of our students have been on this in the past.  If you would like to go, please give me a letter of application stating why you should be chosen of no more than 150 words by Friday 29th January.  You can find out more by following this link:

Lessons from Auschwitz

Mr Hand

Posted in Announcements, General Enrichment, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Careers Bulletin 080116

whichway  This weeks issue:

Careers Bulletin.8 January 2016

  • Sky Apprenticeships – applications close Tuesday 15 Jan
  • Work Experience opportunities: Law, Business, IT
  • University Application – last minute help available
  • BUNAC recruit this Saturday
  • Professional Engineering magazines available to read for an insight view of this diverse profession
  • University Taster Course Programme
  • Eton College Summer Schools – Applications now open
  • Job Spotlight this week – “Make – up artist” Alexys Becerra

Eileen Wooller


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Happy New Year

Welcome backWelcome back.  Slightly shorter week but an important one in terms of revision for your PPEs next week.  One of the best things you can do to revise if you haven’t done it already is to organise your notes in your subject folders.

No assembly this week.

Home Study for Year 12 is still being processed and will be reviewed in the light of your PPE results and reports which will be sent home in the last week before half term.  Year 12 Parents’ Evening is the first week back after half term – 25th February.

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Careers Bulletin 181215

confused-characterPlease read to discover the local employment and work experience opportunities on offer for school leavers.


Lots of companies are recruiting now for a September 2016 start so please do not miss out.


The job spotlight this week is on a Lighting Designer, please click  here :Careers Bulletin.18 December 2015

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Work placements for students in Year 12 doing science

nuffieldNuffield Research Placements (previously Nuffield Science Bursaries) provide over 1,000 students each year with the opportunity to work alongside professional scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians.

Students in the first year of a post-16 science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) course are eligible to apply. Placements are available across the UK, in universities, commercial companies, voluntary organisations and research institutions.

Nuffield Research Placements are administered at a regional level by a network of Nuffield coordinators.

We particularly encourage students who don’t have a family history of going to university or who attend schools in less well-off areas. We make sure no-one is excluded on a financial basis by covering students’ travel costs. Some students may also be eligible for a weekly bursary in addition to travel expenses. Your regional coordinator will be able to advise on eligibility.

Follow this link for information on how to apply: Nuffield Research Placements

Posted in Announcements, Applied Science, Careers, Chemistry, Engineering, Forensics, Physics, Work experience, year twelve | Leave a comment

CISCO Work Experience for girls in Years 12 and 13

CiscoTo fit in with the busy nature of the school calendar in Year 12 and 13, we are running it in the February half term (15 – 18 February).   We are hoping to host 20-30 girls in this first cohort.

The plan is to host them in our Bedfont Lakes (Feltham) office on Monday and Thursday (on the London Waterloo line).  For the Tuesday and Wednesday we are offering a number of placements shadowing/working with our teams, mainly in Bedfont but several are available in the Reading area too.  As part of the application process we will ask the girls to rank the opportunities according to their preference.  If we have too many applicants we will try to schedule phone interviews with the girls and offer places accordingly.

We hope this programme will offer even more insight into the internal workings of an IT company – in technical or non-technical roles.  As this is our first year so the programme is still developing but with such a successful Year 10/11 programme we wanted to complete the offering!

For more information and to apply, go to:  https://www.ciscofeedback.vovici.com/se.ashx?s=705E3EE80243DADE

Posted in Announcements, Business, Careers, ICT, Work experience, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment