Oxford Study Days

Medical Sciences Study Day – Thursday 14 June 2018

For Year 12 students interested in Medical Sciences, University College is running a taster day involving lectures in Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Biochemistry, and Psychology. The day will give students an excellent way to gain an insight into potential degree subjects, as well as develop ways of exploring their subject interests beyond the school curriculum. Participants will get free College lunch and a tour of the College with current students. Places are applied for on an individual basis by completing an online application form and supplying a teacher approval form. For more details about the day, selection criteria, and information about how to apply see the College’s website under ‘Year 12 Subject Study Days’: https://www.univ.ox.ac.uk/about/outreach/.


Philosophy, Politics and Economics Study Day – Monday 18 June 2018

University College is running a day for Year 12 students interested in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. The day will consist of subject lectures and more interactive breakout sessions with College tutors and graduate students. It will give high-achieving students a taste of the university experience and ideas for how they can develop their academic interests and skills beyond the classroom. Participants will get free College lunch and a tour of the College with current students. Places are applied for on an individual basis by completing an online application form and supplying a teacher approval form. For more details about the day, selection criteria, and information about how to apply see the College’s website under ‘Year 12 Subject Study Days’: https://www.univ.ox.ac.uk/about/outreach/.

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