Year Twelve Briefing notes – for the week starting Monday 13th January


Obviously this week will see the end of your mocks. From here you need to hit the ground running in the remaining five weeks of this half term.

What does this mean ?

  • From Thursday normal lessons start again, and you need to press on at speed with your courses. As I have stressed to you before, AS examinations are early, and time is thus short.
  • There will be feedback coming from each of your subjects. Quite simply, please do make sure that you learn the lessons these specific lessons.
  • Your reports will go to your mentors in early February. You will then have a 1-to-1 meeting with them. These will review your metor evening targets, and the guidance from your mock examination. These should be complete by parents evening on Thursday 13th February.

Finally, if you are looking to go to university, then please do look at the taster days post below.

Mr Kydd.


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