Year Twelve – weekly briefing notes – For the week beginning Monday 2nd December


1. Can I start by thanking you again for the excellent way that you conducted yourself at the Safe Drive afternoon at the Hexagon. It really is appreciated. Their website can be found by clicking here.

2. This Thursday is obviously the parental – mentor meetings. These will take place in the common rooms. Two actions for you. You should have an appointment time booked. If not, can you do this as a matter of urgency on Monday. Secondly, again can I stress that we very much want you to come to these meetings – we will not say anything to your parents that we would not say to you !

3. Please have a look at the careers post below this about sponsored degrees and apprenticeships. If you are interested in AWE then sign up for the talk opposite the Sixth Form reception.

4. Finally your mentors have advent calendars. A small bribe to help you remember your December meetings.

Have a good week,

Mr Kydd.

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