Year Twelve briefing notes for the Week starting Monday 11th November


Last week felt like a very busy start to the term. Maybe this is as well, as we are really now in the crucial learning period of your AS year. You should ask yourself if you are averaging the three to four hours a day outside the classroom that we expect, and that you need to undertake to succeed.

A few matters for the week ahead please.

1. Remembrance -Please remember the two minutes silence tomorrow if you are in the Common Room. If you still need to get a poppy  the box is in my office. You might also like to look at the following BBC audio slideshow about a touching tribute the Wilfred Owen.

2. There will be group assemblies this week. You will be texted if you are expected to attend.

3. Friday is non-uniform day. Mr Linz has asked me to pass on the following “we would like you to dress smartly on Friday – and to donate £1. We will have people collecting money at break and lunch in the Common rooms – so there is every opportunity to donate £1!” The cause is excellent.

Work hard – and ask for help when you need it.

Mr Kydd.

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