EPQ 2018

EPQInterviews will run from the week of 3rd July for 2 weeks.

You will be given your appointment time by the end of this week.

After your interview you should download your log either from AQA:


or from link below.  You will also find the EPQ Timeline; Starting the EPQ; and EPQ Schedule useful.


EPQ schedule 2018EPQ

_Timeline 2018

Starting the EPQ


The last document has notes for students on how to fill in each section.




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Transition Work 2017

Here you will find all the transition work for LHS Sixth Form: Year 12 Reading List in progress Jun 17 Applied Science Transition Work Jun 17 Art Transition Jun 17 Biology transition work Jun 17 BTech Sport tranition work yr11-yr12 … Continue reading

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This week the Bulletin is packed full of fabulous opportunities relating to:

  • Careers in the Media with the BBC, ITV, Sun Newspaper
  • Coding for 15 – 18 Year olds
  • Medics
  • Air Traffic Control
  • Horticulture
  • Volunteering for 14 – 18 year olds

This weeks spotlight falls on just a few of the roles available in Horticulture.

I have attached a variety of job vacancies here which are available to apply for right now – please note that part time vacancies on the Oracle attachment are at the very end of the word document.

Kind Regards

Eileen Wooller


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Potential Medics!!!

MedicineIf your interested in studying medicine at university then you will be required to take the BMAT test.  This test can now be taken in September as well as November.  I would strongly advise that if your interested then you take the test in September because then you will have received your result before you formally apply to university which will no doubt help your application and also not waste your application if you fail the test, you will be able to pick another course.  More details can be found here.

There is also some training that has been organised by St Barts School for prospective Medical Students on Monday 26th June.  This training is being delivered by Medic Mind, a charity specialising in preparing medical students.

The cost of the course is £35 per student.  Each student will receive:

  • Full Day Course taught by a medical student
  • 5 UKCAT books (in total over 300 pages between them)
  • Over 500 UKCAT Questions written by Medic Mind
  • Access to Online Video Tutorials to re-watch the whole course closer to the exam

You can find out more about Medic Mind here: http://www.medicmind.co.uk/

Please speak to Mr J for more information.

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Mock Interview Assessment Evening

Interview 2You will be able to attend a 15 minute interview with a subject/career specialist.  They will give you 5 minutes of feedback from the interviewer on how well they performed.  The reason for this is to give you practice of an interview so that when it counts you can hopefully perform better.  We will try to cater for any industry or any university course that students are interested in.  Any questions then please ask Mr J. Please follow the instructions on the sheet below on how to sign up for this evening.

Interview Assessment Evening

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Unifrog Log In

UnifrogIf you’re not sure how to log in to Unifrog then you can use this helpful guide (Unifrog Log In June 17).  Your mentor, Mrs Wooller and Mr J will be able to help you if your not sure what to do once you have logged in.  Unifrog is a useful tool when considering University or Apprenticeships or both!

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Careers Bulletin


Dear all,

This week in our bulletin the spot light shines on the career of a Youth Theatre Director.

There is a receptionist vacancy advertised for a school leaver in a local company which sounds very interesting.

Alongside this there is information about:

  • An Open Evening at Ernst & Young
  • Separate information conferences about Medical and Legal Careers
  • Summer school with 27 positions at 3Dami Studios in London
  • BBC Careers and opportunities
  • Careers in TV Production.

Hope you find this useful.

Kind Regards

Eileen Wooller

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EPQIf you are interested in doing the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) there is a meeting in the library at 2.05 on Tuesday 13th June.

You will need to write a letter of application and give it in by Friday 23rd June.  The application should be no more than 200 words long and in it you should explain what your initial ideas are and why you want to do the EPQ.  Please hand it in to Mrs Bell at the 6th form reception desk.

Interviews will be held in the week beginning 3rd July.  Between 10th July and the end of term, there will be guidance sessions on how to start your research.

You can find more out about the AQA’s EPQ here:


And here:


Click on this link to look at past EPQ titles:




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Careers Bulletin

confused-characterDear all,

This weeks Careers Bulletin highlights the work of a Pyrotechnician, which I hope you find interesting along with details on :


  • Part time vacancy at Western Elms Surgery as well as Work Experience opportunities
  • Apprenticeship vacancies from Year 11 in a variety of roles at the RAF
  • Apprenticeship vacancy in hairdressing at Duo Salon in Newbury
  • STEM Lecture at UTC and a selection of taster days at Reading University
  • Aviation open day at CAE Oxford Aviation Authority
  • Degree Apprenticeships – what they are and where to find one.

Hoping that you have a lovely half term break.

Kind regards

Eileen Wooller

Careers Officer

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Careers Bulletin 190517

confused-characterDear all,


Please  spare a minute or two to peruse this weeks Careers Bulletin because it has so may fabulous opportunities for our young people with many application deadlines imminent!

  •  Trainee Production/Stage Management Assistant at the Watermill Theatre
  • Microsoft Apprenticeship programmes – All Levels!
  • Ernst & Young Business Apprenticeship Scheme
  • KPMG School Leaver Scheme
  • Part Time Work at Krazy Play Days

 There are also opportunities for our future Medics and Lawyers this week and the spotlight shines today on an Arts Journalist.

 Have a lovely weekend!

 Kind regards

Eileen Wooller


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