confused-character I have 2 possibly 3 places available for any student who would like to have a week of work experience in the holidays.  Please come and get an application form from the careers office , first come first served!



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Careers Bulletin 010515

confused-characterThere are lots of school leaver jobs in this weeks issue, alongside Work Experience, Volunteer opportunities and Apprenticeship opportunities.   Taster days, Headstart information and useful sources of information about Digital Marketing Careers and Science Career pathways.

Please click  here to read more.


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Question Time – Election Leaders Special

Question_time_logoHave the right to vote?  If you haven’t made up your mind then watch this election special from Question Time.  David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg are given 30 minutes each in front of an audience.  Its nice to see the party leaders being put under real pressure by real people!

Follow this link to watch.

You might also like to look at these Paxman interviews from March.

Posted in Announcements, General Enrichment, Politics, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Splash at Oxford

Splash at Oxford is based on highly successful programs at American Universities such as MIT, Stanford, and Yale.  It consists of a day of classes taught by undergraduate and postgraduate students.  Students choose what they would like to learn and it is a great opportunity for students to take charge of their own education and explore subjects beyond the school curriculum.  A student at University College Oxford, Catherine, participated in Splash at Stanford when she was sixteen.  She found it inspiring and she enjoyed the chance to explore psychology and linguistics, the subjects she now studies at University, as well as to dabble in other things that she found interesting (logic, ancient Sumerian inscriptions, music composition, etc.).  The main point of Splash is to share the joy of learning and teaching, and it is also an opportunity for secondary school students to have a look around some Oxford colleges.

Splash will be held on May 23rd at several colleges along the Oxford High Street.  The cost is £7 for the day, but they will waive the fee for any student for whom the cost would be a hardship.

Courses include subjects across the arts, humanities and sciences, and some more light-hearted ones such as ‘Irish Dancing for Beginners’. Examples of classes available are:

  • The Pre-Socratic Philosophers
  • Chinese: An Introduction
  • Famous Paradoxes in Mathematics
  • The Psychology Behind Netball
  • Cardiovascular Pathology
  • Demystifying Wall Street and the City

Registration is now open on the website, which also contains more information about Splash:  You can also contact with any questions you may have about the program.

Posted in Announcements, Oxbridge, Russell Group, year twelve | Leave a comment


indexObviously there is so much being written about the pending election, and some of you will have the vote.  As such, the following websites might be helpful to you.

If you click here you will get to the FiveThirtyEight website. This is an interactive map  forecasting results for next Thursday’s vote. It is updated as poll data comes in. The darker the colour, the more secure the party’s majority in that seat.

In alphabetical order you can find links to party manifestos below.

The Conservative Manifesto

The Green Party Manifesto

The Labour Party Manifesto

The Liberal Democratic Party Manifesto

The UKIP Party Manifesto

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Careers Bulletin 240415

confused-characterI know that you are all incredibly busy at the moment but please make time this week to read the Careers Bulletin, there is so much valuable up to date information it – please do not miss out on an opportunity which you might regret later – it only takes a quick glance!


This weeks issue advertises:

  • Part time work for 6th formers
  • Paid Work Experience
  • Companies who are recruiting school leavers NOW on some very good programmes
  • The 25 best jobs in Britain
  • Legal apprenticeships
  • Careers in Sport
  • Tips on succeeding in a creative profession
  • Presentation by the Police on Tuesday in school

Please click here

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Week Beginning 27th April

marathonHopefully you are all back in the swing of things and the revision is going well.  Clearly it is essential that you attend every lesson to make the most of the time you have left in school before your exams.

Year 12 and 13 Assembly – Tuesday 1.20 in Main Hall.  Everyone must attend as it will also be a praise assembly for both year groups.  If your name is pulled out of the hat and you’re not there then you will lose out on the prize!  Oracle Vouchers up to £50 to be won!

Has the London Marathon inspired you?  #beinspired

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Year 10, 11 and 12 – Bar Trial Competition

judgeLittle Heath are entering a team in The Bar Mock Trial Competition which is run by the Bar Council and is in its 25th successful year. It involves over 2,000 students, 300 barristers and advocates and 90 judges from across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

 If you take part you will work as a team to defend and prosecute two criminal cases, developing advocacy, communication and many other employability and social skills. You will take on the roles of barristers/advocates, witnesses, court staff and jurors and their performances are judged by real judges and senior barristers. You will have to battle it out in real courtrooms, in front of real judges. The performances are judged by Circuit Judges, Recorders (Sheriffs in Scotland) and senior barristers or advocates. Winning teams from regional heats then fight it out in a prestigious national final.

This is an exciting opportunity and will be invaluable if you are taking drama or are interested in any career involving the law, which would include the usual as well as many others such as the Police, Probation, Social Workers etc. Students who were part of a Little Heath team in the Young Magistrates competition will find it just as enjoyable and it provides something which will greatly enhance your UCAS/Apprenticeship/career applications in the future.

If interested come to a short meeting in T14 on Friday 1st May at 2.05 pm (afternoon registration) or send an email to me at

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Top Revision Tips from A* Students


Here is an online article that has been written by previous A* students for current students on how they achieved a top grade!  Some useful revision tips!

Here is the link!


Posted in Announcements, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Welcome Back! 21st April

sunWelcome back all.  We hope that you feel both rested and better prepared for the summer exam season as a result of your revision over Easter…?

No assemblies this week, but there will be one with Mr Ramsden next week on Tuesday at 1.20 in the main hall.  This is for both years 12 and 13.

Year 12s will only have about 6 or 7 lessons left in most subjects, so it will all be about exam technique to put your knowledge into practice.  Please remember to go to the revision classes as per the timetable that you have all received and which is displayed on the 6th Form Noticeboard.

Make sure you see your mentors for support and guidance.  They can make a crucial difference at this tough time.

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