Christmas 2015 – Last Week of Term

WP_20141206_002At last we have got to the final week of term!  Still work to be done, especially in preparation for you PPEs.  You should get your final exam timetable via your mentor this week, so please make sure you see them.

Year 12s, you should have made your Home Study requests by the end of the week.  Also, don’t forget to sign up for the Oxford Brookes Event.  Follow the link on earlier posting to take you to the site.

There is a compulsory whole mentor group session today at 1.20 for Year 13 and tomorrow at 2.05 for Year 12.  Do not miss it please so we don’t have to chase you up individually!

Christmas Assembly for both year groups is in the main hall at 1.55 on Friday.  This means coming out of period 3.  You will not, however, be expected to go back to period 4.  Think of it as our Christmas gift to you all.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Re-charge your batteries, but make sure you do some revision for your exams.  Stay safe.

From The 6th Form Team


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Careers Bulletin 111215


Lots of not to be missed information in this weeks edition – please see below for main headings





  • More sponsored degrees and higher apprenticeships up for grabs in this weeks issue.
  • An ex student promotes opportunities at Grant Thornton
  • RVC Pre Vet Summer School applications open
  • Insight day at Whitehall to find out the various careers available within the civil service
  • Medical Work Experience and this weeks spotlight highlights “Medical Interview Questions – What to avoid”

Please click here


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Trip to University College of Football Business – Wembley – 5 Feb 2016

confused-characterFriday 5th February

UCFB offers University Degrees in the Football business, Sports and Leisure Industries. The global sports industry is worth over £445 billion (2015) and is growing at a rate of 7%  annually.  If you are interested in this industry UCFB offers degrees in:


  • Media & PR
  • Broadcasting
  • Law
  • Marketing  & Communication
  • Psychology
  • Merchandising
  • Community development
  • Physical Education
  • Events Management
  • Finance
  • Stadium Management
  • Talent Identification
  • Nutrition
  • Hospitality Management
  • Coaching

I am organising a sixth form only trip on the 5th February so that students can have a look at the facilities which they offer at Wembley , to listen to a couple of speakers and possibly to have a tour of the stadium.  If you have an interest in this industry please sign up on a sheet  which I have left with Ms Jacurra in the  sixth form library.

There will be a cost involved to cover the hire of a coach and insurance – this I will work out once I have an idea of numbers.  Prospectuses for UCFB with details of their degrees are available in the library for you to take

Thank you

Eileen  Wooller

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Week beginning 7th December

WP_20151113_001Thanks to all of those who were involved in the opening of the new 6th Form Centre on Friday.  It was a very successful occasion.  Also, well done to those of you who posed some telling questions to MP Alok Sharma who later officially opened the new block.

It’s OAP party today – again thanks to 12s who have brought in chocolates and to the events committee and the whole of Year 13 for making this annual event such an important part of what LHS 6th Form stands for.

Year 12 – you should see you mentors this week to start negotiating the Home Study process.  They will have a copy of your timetable and will have the final say over whether or not your attendance and work rate warrants Home Study privileges.

Year 13s – please get your UCAS done before the holidays as there is no guarantee that your mentors will be able to add references over the Christmas holidays.

No assembly this week, but the annual Christmas Assembly for Year 12 and 13 will be at 11.55 in the main hall on the last day December 18th.  There will be no period 4.

Please make sure that you are getting prepped for your PPEs when you come back after Christmas.  Ask your teachers what the test will be on.  Use your PLCs to audit your knowledge.

Posted in Announcements, Committee, Community Service, Debating, Politics, UCAS, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Careers Bulletin 4 December 2015

confused-characterThis week there are opportunities for budding journalists to have work published nationally, opportunities to win an apprenticeship with Coca Cola  a fabulous video on becoming a midwife and lots, lots more – This weeks spotlight is on Fashion!

Please click here

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Oxford Brookes Open Day for Year 12 Students

ox brooksThe Oxford Brookes Experience Brookes event is now open for online bookings.  We are registered with them so use this link: Experience Brookes to secure your place.  We have 50 spaces and if you expressed an interest before, you will have been texted to give you first refusal.

Experience Brookes consists of interactive workshops and sessions giving you a taster of what it is like to study a subject at university.

The 2016 event is being held at the Headington Campus on 14 January from 9.30am – 2.30pm.

If you go on this visit, you will need to fill in a white form available from reception and get your teachers to sign it.  You will have to get there on your own.  It does clash with PPEs so if this event means that you will miss exams, you shouldn’t really go. 



Posted in Announcements, Taster Days, Year 13, year twelve | Leave a comment

Week beginning 30th November

psycho 2Still lots of things going on before the end of term.

OAP party is on Monday next week.  ALL Year 13 are off timetable period 5 and are expected to attend, dressed smartly.  Your help and interaction is really appreciated.

Get your UCAS done before the end of term if you haven’t done it yet and make sure your mentor knows that the reference then needs adding!


On Friday December 4th it is the OFFCIAL OPENING OF THE 6th FORM BLOCK.  This means downstairs will be out of action from 10.00.  Alternative areas to go will be listed.

Year 12 – from next week you should be discussing HOME STUDY applications with your mentors.  You will need to apply using a copy of your timetable and we will confirm whether of not you get it via a letter home.  You don’t have to take HS, but it is available if you wish and if your attendance and ATL warrant it.

Over the next few weeks of term you should also be using your PLCs (they are all on this site for download under the 6th Form Life tab above).  They will help you audit what you need to do in order to revise for your PPEs.  These start on January 7th for both Years 12 and 13 and will be in lessons.  No study leave.

ALSO, reminder that Film Club starts on Thursday 3rd December with a showing of the Hitchcock classic Psycho Straight after school, upstairs in the new cinema room.

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Engineering WX – Deadline TODAY!!!!

confused-characterWork experience

One of CCFE’s objectives is to inspire young people’s interest in engineering and science. We have places available in a range of departments depending on the student’s interests. The work experience is one to two weeks long and most participants are from local schools.

If you are interested in being considered for a 2016 placement with us here at Culham, then please send an up-to-date CV showing predicted qualifications/grades, hobbies and interests, along with a covering letter expressing your interest in a placement, either by email to:

or by post to:

Pauline Lawrence Communications Administrator Communications Group Culham Centre for Fusion Energy K2/1/14 Culham Science Centre Abingdon OX14 3DB

The closing date for receipt of applications is 30 November 2015. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted during February 2016 and invited to attend an interview


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Careers Bulletin 271115

confused-character This weeks job spotlight falls on the role of a sports scientist. The issue includes news about hairdressing apprenticeships, work place visits to KPMG, information about becoming a landscape architect and much more , so please do clickhere

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Careers Bulletin 201115

confused-characterPlease read this issue as there are a few companies who intend to close their application windows in January 2016 – so don’t lose out!  Also the job spotlight this week is about working in a gallery and the different roles that exist , please click here

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