Oxbridge and Easter opportunities


Following on form yesterday’s assembly, a few university matters for you to start thinking about.

  • Bookings are now open for the free Oxford summer schools. If you want to know more please click www.uniq.ox.ac.uk. If you are thinking of an application, then this is very much worth you considering (it has helped our successful candidates in the past). They take place after your AS examinations.
  • On  Wednesday 5th February we have a speaker from Cambridge coming at 4.00 to present in the main hall on what Oxbridge is actually like. More of this next week, but all are welcome.
  • I have also had some information from the University of Royal Holloway about Easter and Summer university opportunities. The deadline for applications to these is 14th February. Many of these are also free, and if you are interested, please see me. I have put the flyers for these (and the uniq sessions) on the blue pin board outside my office.

Mr Kydd.

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