Drama – Threatre Companies

dramaHaving a broad knowledge of different theatre companies is essential to success in drama both in written and performance tasks.

 Doing AS Drama?

In Unit 1 you could relate the theatre companies ideas to the texts that you study and apply their work in your performances. In Unit 2 a theatre companies style could influence your final performance … it may have even been performed by them before that you could watch.

 Doing A2 Drama?

In Unit 3 you have to use a known theatre company to influence your decisions and write about in your SWED. In Unit 4 you have to come up with a concept for a production … what better way to do that than using a theatre company?

 Why don’t you look up some of the theatre companies below to get a more in depth insight?

 Punch Drunk

“a unique theatrical experience where the lines between space, performer and spectator are constantly shifting” –http://punchdrunk.com/

 Frantic Assembly

“thrilling, energetic and unforgettable theatre combining Frantic Assembly’s unique physical style of movement, design, music and text.”


 PUSH physical theatre

“I do not represent physical theatre as a whole … I only speak of the connections we have made on our artistic journey. We are a small but insistent voice in a world of beautiful and gifted movers…”



“style of visual and devised theatre [has] an emphasis on strong, corporeal, poetic and surrealist image supporting text”


 Splendid Productions

“high quality, professional, political theatre”



“about taking risks, aesthetically and physically, about breaking down the barriers between dance and theatre and, above all, communicating ideas and feelings clearly and unpretentiously”



“inspiration, physical, storytelling theatre”


 Kneehigh Theatre

“an everchanging ensemble”


 The more you know, the more informed your performances and decisions are.

Miss Broadhead.

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