Your first task is to bookmark this page, and thereafter you should visit this site at least once a week. Please be clear this an enrichment rather than work site. You will all use this site in slightly different ways. However, the key point is that you do use it regularly to make the most of your time with us. There are two key aspects to it.
1. The newsfeed below this sticky post will have enrichment opportunities for you. These may be from departments (click here for example for the Villers Trust site), or they may be more general (click here for example for the University of Reading study advice centre) . There will also be information posts from us or Careers (ie you won’t know what is going on if you do not look at this site). We also want this to be a place where we celebrate your achievement. This might be sport results, drama and media work or, as above your art work.
2. The pages above this sticky will have all the permanent information that a Sixth Form student will need at Little Heath School. They are really places of reference as and when you need them.
You are now able to follow us on Twitter = @lhs6thform